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现行 ISO 846:2019
Plastics — Evaluation of the action of microorganisms 塑料 - 微生物作用评估
发布日期: 2019-02-28
本文件规定了确定因真菌、细菌和土壤微生物作用导致塑料劣化的方法。目的不是确定塑料的生物降解性或天然纤维复合材料的劣化。 劣化的类型和程度可通过以下方式确定 a) 目视检查和/或 b) 质量变化和/或 c) 其他物理性质的变化。 该测试适用于所有表面均匀且易于清洁的塑料。例外的是多孔材料,如塑料泡沫。 本文件使用与IEC 60068-2-10相同的测试真菌。IEC方法使用所谓的“组装样本”,要求用孢子悬浮液接种样本,培养接种的样本,评估真菌生长以及对样本的任何物理攻击。 测试量和使用的测试应变取决于塑料的预期应用。
This document specifies methods for determining the deterioration of plastics due to the action of fungi and bacteria and soil microorganisms. The aim is not to determine the biodegradability of plastics or the deterioration of natural fibre composites. The type and extent of deterioration can be determined by a) visual examination and/or b) changes in mass and/or c) changes in other physical properties. The tests are applicable to all plastics that have an even surface and that can thus be easily cleaned. The exceptions are porous materials, such as plastic foams. This document uses the same test fungi as IEC 60068-2-10. The IEC method, which uses so-called "assembled specimens", calls for inoculation of the specimens with a spore suspension, incubation of the inoculated specimens and assessment of the fungal growth as well as any physical attack on the specimens. The volume of testing and the test strains used depend on the application envisaged for the plastic.
归口单位: ISO/TC 61/SC 6