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现行 ISO 31101:2023
Robotics — Application services provided by service robots — Safety management systems requirements 机器人服务机器人提供的应用服务安全管理系统要求
发布日期: 2023-11-10
本文件规定了服务机器人提供的应用服务的安全管理系统要求[应用服务安全管理系统(以下简称ASSMS)],当应用服务提供商在非结构化的人类空间中与经过培训和未经培训的人员一起提供应用服务时,可以使用该系统来保护其用户和第三方的安全(例如,在机场或购物中心为访客指路、在医院为患者搬运货物、在餐厅为顾客送餐)。 本文件适用于希望: A)?提升服务机器人提供应用服务的安全性能, b)?建立、实施、维护和完善服务机器人提供应用服务的安全管理制度, c)?确保遵守其声明的应用服务安全政策,以及 d)?证明符合本文件。 通过将服务机器人提供的应用服务的安全管理系统集成到组织内的其他管理系统或流程中,或使其与组织内的其他管理系统或流程兼容,可以符合本文件的要求。 根据组织和安全管理的工作,多个组织可以毫无遗漏地遵守本文件的要求。 尽管本文档旨在由服务机器人提供的应用服务,但也可以应用于使用服务机器人以外的机器人的服务。 本文件不打算用作产品安全标准。 笔记?存在按照本文件要求建立的服务机器人提供应用服务的安全管理制度不能直接适用于服务机器人为我们ed、机器人系统、服务内容、操作地点、用户等各不相同。

This document specifies the requirements of safety management systems for application services provided by service robots [application service safety management system (hereafter ASSMS)] that an application service provider can use for the safety of its users and its third parties when it provides application service in unstructured human spaces with trained and untrained persons (e.g. giving directions for visitors in airport or shopping mall, carrying goods to patients in hospital, delivering food to customers in restaurant.)

This document is applicable to any organization that wishes to:

a)       improve safety performance of application services provided by service robots,

b)       establish, implement, maintain and improve safety management systems for application services provided by service robots,

c)        assure itself of conformity with its stated application service safety policy, and

d)       demonstrate conformity with this document.

The requirements of this document can be conformed to by integrating safety management systems for application services provided by service robots into, or making it compatible with, other management systems or processes within the organization.

The requirements of this document can be conformed to by multiple organizations without omission depending on what is done as an organization and safety management.

Although intended for application services provided by service robots, this document can also be applied to services using robots other than service robots.

This document is not intended to be used as a product safety standard.

NOTE            There are cases where the safety management systems for application services provided by service robots established in accordance with the requirements of this document cannot apply directly when the service robots to be used, robot systems, contents of service, places of operation, users or so, differ.

归口单位: ISO/TC 299