Intelligent transport systems. ESafety. Interoperability and user choice in eCall aftermarket and third party eCall services
智能交通系统 以赛菲 eCall售后市场和第三方eCall服务中的互操作性和用户选择
BS PD CEN/TS 17313:2019 provides a description for voluntarily consenting vendors (subsequently referred to as
'participating service providers?), who wish to provide TPS-eCall service in an open market environment,
where users can select and change the service provider. It focusses on the use case 'TPS-eCall service', as
standardized in EN 16102, only (and for clarification, does not apply in respect of 112-eCall, where no
TPS provider is involved.)Cross References:EN 16072:2015EN 15722EN 16454EN ISO 24978EN 16102EN 16062CEN/TS 17148All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.