Small craft — Marine propulsion reciprocating internal combustion engines — Power measurements and declarations
ISO 8665:2006规定了ISO 15550的附加要求,用于确定往复式内燃机(RIC)的功率,该要求用于记录和检查制造商发布的声明(额定)功率。
ISO 8665:2006适用于休闲艇和其他船体长度不超过24米的小型艇推进用发动机。
ISO 8665:2006将与ISO 15550一起使用。
ISO 8665:2006 specifies the requirements additional to ISO 15550 for determining the power of reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engines when presented for documenting and checking of the declared (rated) power published by the manufacturer.
ISO 8665:2006 applies to engines used for propulsion of recreational craft and other small craft of up to 24 m hull length.
ISO 8665:2006 is to be used in conjunction with ISO 15550.