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现行 BS EN 14973:2015
Conveyor belts for use in underground installations. Electrical and flammability safety requirements 用于地下设施的传送带 电气和易燃性安全要求
发布日期: 2015-11-30
BS EN 14973:2015规定了传送带的电气和易燃性安全要求 用于地下设施,在存在易燃或不易燃物的情况下使用 大气。本欧洲标准涵盖的用于易燃环境的传送带包括: 用于传送带装置(矿山机械)。皮带是皮带的一个组成部分或一部分 可并入输送机的设备,属于I类设备 M2,定义见EN 13463-1:2009第3.2.2条。本欧洲标准不适用于EN ISO 21183所述的轻型传送带- 1:2006 本标准也不适用于本标准发布日期之前制造的传送带 CEN提供的文件。本欧洲标准涉及A.1中详述的重大危险。请注意附件ZA和ZB。注:表2总结了本欧洲标准的要求。这是为了 仅供快速参考。交叉引用:EN 1554:2012EN 1710:2005+A1:2008EN 12881-1:2014EN 12881-2EN 13463-1:2009EN 31010EN ISO 284ISO 284EN ISO 340ISO 340EN ISO 12100ISO 12100EN ISO 15236-3:2007ISO 15236-3:2007EN ISO 22721:2007ISO 22721: 2007EN ISO 21183-1:2006ISO 21183-1:2005EN 1127-2EN 13463-5EN 13463-6指令94/9/EC2006/42/E购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN 14973:2015 specifies electrical and flammability safety requirements for conveyor belts intended for use in underground installations, in the presence of flammable or non-flammable atmospheres.Conveyor belts covered by this European Standard and intended for use in flammable atmospheres are intended for use on conveyor belt installations (machinery in mines). The belt is a component or part of equipment, which can be incorporated into the conveyor, which is an equipment of Group I, Category M2, as defined in 3.2.2 of EN 13463-1:2009.This European Standard is not applicable to light conveyor belts as described in EN ISO 21183-1:2006 nor is it applicable to conveyor belts which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.This European Standard deals with those significant hazards detailed in A.1.Attention is drawn to Annexes ZA and ZB.NOTE A summary of the requirements of this European Standard is given in Table 2. This is intended for quick reference only.Cross References:EN 1554:2012EN 1710:2005+A1:2008EN 12881-1:2014EN 12881-2EN 13463-1:2009EN 31010EN ISO 284ISO 284EN ISO 340ISO 340EN ISO 12100ISO 12100EN ISO 15236-3:2007ISO 15236-3:2007EN ISO 22721:2007ISO 22721:2007EN ISO 21183-1:2006ISO 21183-1:2005EN 1127-2EN 13463-5EN 13463-6Directive 94/9/EC2006/42/ECAll current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会