Standardization of interconnections between broadcasting transmitters or transmitter systems and supervisory equipment-Interface standards for systems using data bus type interconnections
广播发射机或发射机系统与监控设备之间互连的标准化 使用数据总线型互连的系统接口标准
处理变送器与其远程监控和/或控制变送器的监控设备之间的接口。它详细说明了为实现变送器类型和监控设备之间的兼容性而提供的互连和设施。交叉引用:IEC 60864-1:1986IEC 60559:1989IEC 60625-2:1993ISO/IEC 8482:1993IEEE 1118:1990CENELEC HD 592 S1:1991
Deals with the interface between a transmitter and its supervisory equipment which remotely monitors and/or controls the transmitter. It details the interconnections and facilities to be provided with a view to achieving compatibility between types of transmitters and supervisory equipment.Cross References:IEC 60864-1:1986IEC 60559:1989IEC 60625-2:1993ISO/IEC 8482:1993IEEE 1118:1990CENELEC HD 592 S1:1991