Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers — Part 21: Vibration calibration by comparison to a reference transducer
ISO 16063-21:2003通过比较描述了直线振动传感器的校准。虽然它主要描述了使用直接比较法与主要方法校准的标准进行校准,但所描述的方法可以应用于校准层次结构中的其他级别。
ISO 16063-21:2003规定了在0.4 Hz至10 kHz的频率范围内通过比较对直线振动传感器进行校准的程序。它主要适用于那些需要满足ISO标准化方法要求的实验室条件下振动测量的人员,这些条件下的测量不确定度相对较小。
根据对影响校准的所有重要不确定度来源的了解,可使用ISO 16063-21中给出的方法评估扩展不确定度。它还包括使用检查标准进行校准的不确定度评估。
ISO 16063-21:2003 describes the calibration of rectilinear vibration transducers by comparison. Although it mainly describes calibration using direct comparison to a standard calibrated by primary methods, the methods described can be applied between other levels in the calibration hierarchy.
ISO 16063-21:2003 specifies procedures for performing calibrations of rectilinear vibration transducers by comparison in the frequency range from 0,4 Hz to 10 kHz. It is primarily intended for those who are required to meet ISO standardized methods for the measurement of vibration under laboratory conditions, where the uncertainty of measurement is relatively small. It can also be used under field conditions, where the uncertainty of measurement may be relatively large.
From knowledge of all significant sources of uncertainty affecting the calibration, the expanded uncertainty can be evaluated using the methods given in ISO 16063-21. It also covers the assessment of uncertainties for calibrations performed using a check standard.
This document is applicable to calibrations outside the frequency range from 0,4 Hz to 10 kHz, considering the additional facts described in 4.3. Systems have been demonstrated to cover the range from 0,01 Hz to 30 kHz.