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现行 DC-83-01-5
Development of Advanced Design, Insulation, and Installation Practices for Hot Water District Heating Piping 开发热水区域供暖管道的先进设计、保温和安装实践
本文第一部分介绍了热水集中供热管道的一些最新设计特点。重点是配备聚乙烯护套管的聚氨酯预绝缘一管和二管元件。本文还介绍了混凝土涵洞区域供暖管道的最新发展,即带有金属板护套的预绝缘混凝土涵洞管元件。本文的第二部分介绍了一种计算预绝缘区域供暖线路经济优化的方法。术语“经济优化”指的是,当已知管道的最大热输出时,管道在一定时期内的投资成本、热损失成本和泵送成本之和最小化。优化程序旨在回答以下重要问题: 什么是最佳流量管尺寸,最佳导热系数(或绝缘厚度)有多大,以及各种因素如何影响获得的结果?第三部分讨论了不同管道系统的安装实践。重点是补偿管道中的热运动。还讨论了补偿或不补偿的方法。最后,介绍了芬兰开发的一些测试方法。此外,还讨论了斯堪的纳维亚和欧洲在区域供暖领域的合作和标准化工作。引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,1983年,第89卷,pt。华盛顿特区2B。
In the first part of this paper, some of the newest design features of hot water district heating piping are described. Emphasis is on polyurethane preinsulated one-and two-pipe elements equipped with a polyethylene jacket pipe. The paper also deals with the newest developments in concrete culvert district heating lines, namely the preinsulated concrete culvert pipe elements with a metal sheet jacket.In the second part of the paper a method for calculating the economic optimization of preinsulated district heating lines is described. The term “economic optimization” means that the sum of investment costs, heat loss costs, and pumping costs of the line during a certain period are minimized when the maximum heat output of the line is known. The optimization program is designed to answer the following important questions: What are the optimum flow-pipe dimensions, how great is the optimum heat conductance (or insulation thickness) and how do various factors influence the results obtained?In the third part, installation practices for different pipeline systems are discussed. Emphasis is on compensating for thermal movements in pipelines. Also compensating or noncompensating methods are discussed.In conclusion, some test methods developed in Finland are presented. Also, Scandinavian and European cooperation and standardization work in the field of district heating is discussed.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类