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现行 AWWA WQTC65993
Stoichiometric Removal of Disinfection Byproduct Precursors by Ion Exchange 离子交换法化学计量去除消毒副产物前体
发布日期: 2007-11-01
本研究的目的是阐明阴离子交换树脂之间的相互作用 树脂、溶解有机碳(DOC)和无机阴离子。含有 所有实验均使用了具有良好特征的天然有机物(NOM)提取物。 NOM提取物从三个来源分离,包括透明和透明 疏水性酸。通过电位滴定法获得NOM提取物的电荷密度 滴定法用于对离子交换反应进行电荷平衡分析 包括DOC、碳酸氢盐和氯化物。五种阴离子交换树脂,包括 对磁性离子交换树脂(MIEX)进行了评价。适用于所有NOM提取物和阴离子 交换树脂,结果清楚地显示了DOC和 碳酸氢盐代表氯化物。包括17个参考文献、表格、图表。
The objective of this research was to elucidate the interactions among anion exchange resins, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and inorganic anions. Model waters containing well-characterized natural organic matter (NOM) extracts were used in all experiments. The NOM extracts were isolated from three sources, and included transphilic and hydrophobic acids. The charge density of the NOM extracts, obtained by potentiometric titration, was used to perform charge balance analyses for ion exchange reactions involving DOC, bicarbonate, and chloride. Five anion exchange resins, including a magnetic ion exchange (MIEX) resin were evaluated. For all NOM extracts and anion exchange resins, the results clearly show the stoichiometric exchange of DOC and bicarbonate for chloride. Includes 17 references, tables, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会