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现行 ISO 14118:2017
Safety of machinery — Prevention of unexpected start-up 机械安全 - 防止意外启动
发布日期: 2017-12-08
ISO 14118:2017规定了旨在防止意外机器启动(见3.2)的设计方法要求,以允许在危险区域进行安全的人为干预(见附录A)。 ISO 14118:2017适用于所有类型能源的意外启动,即: -电源,例如电气、液压、气动; -由于重力、压缩弹簧等原因而储存的能量; -外部影响,例如来自风的影响。 ISO 14118:2017未规定控制系统安全相关部件的性能水平或安全完整性水平。虽然确定了防止意外启动的可用方法,但本文件并未规定防止特定机器意外启动的方法。 注:C类标准可以定义防止意外启动造成损害所需的方法。否则,需要通过本文件范围之外的风险评估来确定特定机器的要求。
ISO 14118:2017 specifies requirements for designed-in means aimed at preventing unexpected machine start-up (see 3.2) to allow safe human interventions in danger zones (see Annex A). ISO 14118:2017 applies to unexpected start-up from all types of energy source, i.e.: - power supply, e.g. electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic; - stored energy due to, e.g. gravity, compressed springs; - external influences, e.g. from wind. ISO 14118:2017 does not specify performance levels or safety integrity levels for safety-related parts of control systems. While available means to prevent unexpected start-up are identified, this document does not specify the means for the prevention of unexpected machine start-up for specific machines. NOTE A type-C standard can define the required means for the prevention of harm arising from unexpected start-up. Otherwise, the requirements for a specific machine need to be determined by risk assessment outside the scope of this document.
归口单位: ISO/TC 199