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现行 ASTM E2912-17
Standard Test Method for Fire Test of Non-Mechanical Fire Dampers Used in Vented Construction 用于通风结构的非机械防火阻燃防火标准试验方法
发布日期: 2017-08-01
1.1 本火灾试验响应标准评估了在规定的火灾试验暴露期间,通风结构在其打开状态下使用的非机械防火阀限制热气、辐射和火焰通过的能力。本试验方法中的火灾暴露条件是突然的直接火焰冲击,产生这些热气体、辐射和火焰。 注1: 非机械防火阀可用于通风结构。通风结构可以是建筑物的一部分,包括墙壁、地板、天花板和用于空气传输的隐蔽空间和空腔,并允许在没有管道系统的结构中通风。 非机械防火阀可位于可燃结构或材料附近,并位于暴露或隐藏位置,或两者兼有。与典型的耐火组件不同,通风结构使用非机械防火阀,以允许在不使用管道的情况下进行空气传输。当直接火焰冲击是一种可靠的风险时,或当具有管辖权的当局要求火焰不穿透时,或当两者同时存在时,可能需要抗火焰、辐射和热气体。拟议的试验方法提供了能够评估这种直接火焰撞击非金属表面的程序- 机械防火阀。本试验方法不会改变耐火等级结构和组件中使用的非机械防火阀的任何要求。 1.2 本耐火试验响应标准旨在提供一种方法,以评估通风结构中使用的非机械防火阀对突然直接火焰冲击的反应,或作为现有耐火试验方法的补充,或两者兼而有之。 1.3 本试验方法不会绕过或消除建筑耐火等级要求。建筑的耐火等级应根据公布的防火标准进行测试- 适用于施工相关应用的电阻测试标准,或具有管辖权的机构(监管机构)的要求,或两者兼有。非机械防火阀应按照其应用所需的适当耐火测试标准进行测试,以确定这些结构的耐火等级。 注2: 一些主要的国际标准开发组织(SDO)包括但不限于ASTM international、CEN、ISO、UL和ULC。使用标准时间的标准示例- 用于确定建筑耐火等级的火灾暴露温度曲线包括但不限于以下内容:试验方法 E119 , E814 , E1966年 , E2307 、UL 10B、UL 10C、UL 555、UL 555C等。术语“具有管辖权的机构”在实践中定义 E2174 . 1.4 本试验方法规定了火灾暴露条件、火灾试验协议和评估开启状态的标准。 注3: 目前,没有(国内或国际)公布的试验方法解决非金属材料上突然直接火焰冲击的应用问题- 通风建筑中使用的机械防火阀。在欧盟(EU),CEN(欧洲标准化委员会)最近启动了一个工作项目,以解决非机械防火阀上突然直接火焰冲击的反应。此外,在欧盟,一些国家使用了5MW火灾暴露的大规模测试,以评估作为整个建筑施工一部分的试样对突然直接火焰冲击的反应。用于控制燃气炉的标准时间-温度曲线不能确保火焰突然直接冲击试样,本试验方法就是为了实现这一点。 闪络后的情况、材料的自燃、作为火源的高度易燃材料(例如,储存的清洁溶液或燃料)的点燃或材料的位置可能会造成火灾场景,导致突然的直接火焰冲击。 1.5 本试验方法产生的结果提供了以下信息: 1.5.1 通风结构的明火性能,以及 1.5.2 当暴露于突然的直接火焰冲击时,非机械防火阀的火灾测试响应特性。 1.6 本试验方法不提供与烟雾或气体泄漏或两者相关的试验组件的定量信息。 1.7 本试验方法不适用于具有非试验部件的试验组件。 1.8 本标准用于测量和描述材料、产品或组件在受控条件下对热量和火焰的响应,但其本身并不包括在实际火灾条件下对材料、产品或组件进行火灾危险或火灾风险评估所需的所有因素。 1.9 本标准的文本引用了提供解释材料的注释和脚注。这些注释和脚注(不包括表和图中的注释和脚注)不应视为本标准的要求。 1.10 以国际单位制表示的数值应视为标准值。本标准不包括其他计量单位。 1.11 防火测试本身就很危险。在进行这些测试时,应采取适当的人员和财产保护措施。 1.12 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。 本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.13 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 5.1 本试验方法提供了试验火灾期间打开状态的以下观察、测量和评估。 5.1.1 试样抵抗由突然直接火焰冲击引起的火焰、辐射和热气体通过的能力。 5.1.2 热通过试样的传输。 5.2 本试验方法不提供以下内容: 5.2.1 评估测试组件通过产生烟雾、有毒气体或其他燃烧产物导致火灾危险的程度。 5.2.2 测量烟雾或燃烧产物通过试样或测试组件的控制或限制程度。 5.2.3 测量试样或测试组件表面上的火焰蔓延。 5.2.4 试样或测试组件在实际使用条件下的耐久性,包括循环温度的影响。 5.2.5 负载对试样或测试组件的影响。 5.2.6 试样或测试组件的任何其他属性,如耐磨性、耐化学性、空气渗透性、水密性等。 5.3 本试验方法的结果不得替代或替代建筑结构所需耐火等级的要求。
1.1 This fire-test-response standard assesses the ability of non-mechanical fire dampers used in vented construction in its open state to limit passage of hot gases, radiation, and flames during a prescribed fire test exposure. The fire exposure condition in this test method is sudden direct flame impingement, which produces these hot gases, radiation, and flames. Note 1: Non-mechanical fire dampers can be used in vented construction. Vented constructions may be parts of buildings including walls, floors, ceilings and concealed spaces and cavities used for air transfer and to allow ventilation in structures without ductwork. Non-mechanical fire dampers can be located adjacent to combustible construction or materials and situated in exposed or concealed locations, or both. Unlike typical fire resistive assemblies, vented construction uses non-mechanical fire dampers to allow air transfer without the use of ducts. Resistance to flame, radiation, and hot gases may be requirements when direct flame impingement is a credible risk, or when no penetration of flames is required by the authority having jurisdiction, or both. The proposed test method provides procedures that enable an assessment of this direct flame impingement on non-mechanical fire dampers. This test method does not alter any requirements for non-mechanical fire dampers used in fire resistance rated construction and assemblies. 1.2 This fire-test-response standard is intended to provide a means to assess the reaction of a non-mechanical fire damper used in vented construction to sudden direct flame impingement, or as a supplement to existing fire-resistive test methods, or both. 1.3 This test method does not circumvent or eliminate the fire resistance rating requirements for construction. The fire resistance rating of construction shall be tested in accordance with published fire-resistance test standards as appropriate for the relevant application of the construction, or as required by the authority having jurisdiction (regulatory authority), or both. Non-mechanical fire dampers shall be tested to the appropriate fire-resistive test standards required for their application in order to determine a fire resistance rating in those constructions. Note 2: Some of the major international standards development organizations (SDO) include, but are not limited to, ASTM International, CEN, ISO, UL, and ULC. Some examples of standards employing standard time-temperature curves for fire exposure used to determine a construction’s fire resistance rating include, but are not limited to, the following: Test Methods E119 , E814 , E1966 , E2307 , UL 10B, UL 10C, UL 555, UL 555C etc. The term “authority having jurisdiction” is defined in Practice E2174 . 1.4 This test method specifies the fire exposure conditions, fire test protocol, and criteria to evaluate an open state. Note 3: There are currently no published test methods (nationally or internationally) that address the application of sudden direct flame impingement on non-mechanical fire dampers used in vented construction. In the European Union (EU), CEN (European Committee for Standardization) has very recently started a work item to address reaction to sudden direct flame impingement on non-mechanical fire dampers. Also, in the EU, some countries have used large scale tests with 5MW fire exposures to assess test specimens’ reactions to sudden direct flame impingement as part of the entire building construction. Standard time-temperature curves used to control gas-fired furnaces do not ensure a sudden direct flame impingement on the test specimen, which this test method is designed to do. A post flashover condition, the spontaneous combustion of materials, ignition of a highly combustible material acting as the source of the fire (for example, stored cleaning solutions or fuels) or the location of materials can create a fire scenario resulting in a sudden direct flame impingement. 1.5 Results generated by this test method provide the following information: 1.5.1 the open state fire performance of vented construction, and 1.5.2 the non-mechanical fire damper’s fire-test-response characteristic when exposed to sudden direct flame impingement. 1.6 This test method does not provide quantitative information about the test assembly related to the leakage of smoke, or gases, or both. 1.7 This test method does not apply to a test assembly having other components than those tested. 1.8 This standard is used to measure and describe the response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and flame under controlled conditions, but does not by itself incorporate all factors required for fire hazard or fire risk assessment of the materials, products, or assemblies under actual fire conditions. 1.9 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered requirements of this standard. 1.10 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.11 Fire testing is inherently hazardous. Adequate safeguards for personnel and property shall be employed in conducting these tests. 1.12 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.13 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 This test method provides for the following observations, measurements and evaluations of an open state during the test fire. 5.1.1 Ability of the test specimen to resist the passage of flames, radiation, and hot gases caused by sudden direct flame impingement. 5.1.2 Transmission of heat through the test specimen. 5.2 This test method does not provide the following: 5.2.1 Evaluation of the degree to which the test assembly contributes to the fire hazard by generation of smoke, toxic gases, or other products of combustion. 5.2.2 Measurement of the degree of control or limitation of the passage of smoke or products of combustion through the test specimen or the test assembly. 5.2.3 Measurement of flame spread over the surface of the test specimen or the test assembly. 5.2.4 Durability of the test specimen or test assembly under actual service conditions, including the effects of cycled temperature. 5.2.5 Effects of a load on the test specimen or test assembly. 5.2.6 Any other attributes of the test specimen or the test assembly, such as wear resistance, chemical resistance, air infiltration, water-tightness, and so forth. 5.3 The results of this test method shall not be used as an alternative to, or a substitute for, requirements for a required fire resistance rating of building construction.
归口单位: E05.14
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