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现行 AWWA CSC91074
Water District Modernizes Treatment and Distribution Controls 水区使处理和分配控制现代化
发布日期: 1991-01-01
当堪萨斯州约翰逊县水务区面临更新其控制设施的需要时,它对实施有许多担忧。将该地区的监测和控制功能从现有的遥测系统转换为基于计算机的SCADA系统是对新技术的重大投资。本文简要讨论了水区关注的问题及其解决方案。包括:使用光纤优化扫描时间的快速性; 员工接受度,通过早期参与和培训获得;切换干扰,可通过先安装和调试SCADA中央硬件和通信设备,然后分别切换每个远程站点来避免;通过将新系统设计成与原系统类似的“感觉”,避免了操作员文化冲击。
When the Johnson County, Kansas, water district faced the need to update its control facilities, it had a number of concerns regarding implementation. The conversion of the district's monitoring and control functions from the existing telemetry system to a computer- based SCADA system was a significant investment in new technology. This paper briefly discusses the water district's concerns and their solutions. Included are: the speediness of scan time, which was optimized with use of fiber optics; staff acceptance, which was elicited with early involvement and training; changeover disturbances, which were avoided by installing and commissioning the SCADA central hardware and communications gear first and then changing over each remote site individually; operator culture shock, which was avoided by designing the new system to have a similar "feel" to the original system.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会