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现行 AC-75-07-4
Basic Design and Application of Suction Line Accumulators 吸入管路蓄能器的基本设计和应用
在这个高度技术化和复杂化的时代,随着制冷技术的相应进步,我们仍然发现我们自己的行业在蓄能器的设计和选择上存在分歧。例如,一家制造商将根据100 fpm对给定蓄电池线路的容量进行评级;另一家制造商将声称光速为200 fpm;还有一些则有不同的基准值。也许选择的方法过于简化,应该使用不同的参数。本文将分析所有基本设计方面,试图减少我们都面临的分歧。 引用:ASHRAE交易,第81卷,第一部分,新泽西州大西洋城
In this highly technical and sophisticated age with its corresponding advances in refrigeration techniques, we still find disagreement within our own industry on the design and selection of accumulators. One manufacturer, for example, will rate the capacities on a given line of accumulators based on 100 fpm; another manufacturer will claim the optilTrum velocity is 200 fpm; still others have a different base value. Perhaps the method of selection is over-simplified, and a different parameter should be used. This paper will analyze all basic design aspects in an attempt to reduce the disagreement we all are facing.