Fibre management systems and protective housings to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications-Wall box for splice to patchcord connections, for category C and A
光纤通信系统中使用的光纤管理系统和保护外壳 产品规格 C类和A类拼接至跳线连接的墙盒
This document contains the dimensional, optical, mechanical and environmental performance
requirements of a fully installed optical fibre wall or pole mounted box, in order for it to be categorized
as a European Standard product.
The typical configuration is splicing of incoming fibres to optional splitters and/or to pigtails, connecting
pigtail plugs on one side to patchcord plugs on the other side, using adapters.Cross References:IEC 61300-3-1IEC 61300-2-33IEC 61300-2-9EN 61300-2-33IEC 61753-1IEC 60529IEC 61756-1EN 60793-2-10IEC 60793-2-50EN 61300-2-1EN 60695-11-10EN 61300-2-22EN 61300-2-4IEC 61300-2-4IEC 60695-11-10EN IEC 60793-2-50IEC 61300-3-3IEC 60754-1EN IEC 61756-1EN 61300-3-1IEC 61300-2-1EN 61300-2-34EN 61300-2-9IEC 61300-2-34EN 61300-3-3IEC 61300-2-26EN 60529IEC 61300-3-28IEC 60793-2-10EN 61300-2-26EN IEC 61753-1EN 61300-3-28IEC 61300-2-22EN 60754-1IEC 61300-2-12EN 61300-2-12EN 50411-4-1EN 50377-7-3EN 61754-4IEC 60794-5EN 50377-16-1EN 50377-4-4EN 60794-3EN 50377-7-1EN 60794-2EN 61754-28IEC 60794-2EN 61754-7EN 50411-3-1EN 61754-23EN 60794-5EN 61758-1EN 50377-7-4EN 50377-8-3EN 50377-15-1EN 61754-15EN 50377-8-2EN 50377-7-2EN 50377-8-12EN 50377-8-13EN 61754-20EN 50377-4-2All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.