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现行 AWWA EDC52027
Enhanced Cold Lime Softening Treatment Strategies for Disinfection By-Product Compliance 强化冷石灰软化处理策略 用于消毒副产品合规性
发布日期: 1999-01-01
12月16日颁布的新消毒剂/消毒副产品法规, 1998年预计将对现有的冷石灰软化产生重大影响 佛罗里达州的植物。因为天然有机物含量很高 (NOM)通常存在于佛罗里达州的地下水中,需要提供 为了将硬度降低到可接受的水平,许多公用事业公司正在计划进行软化 建造新的膜处理设施花费巨大。这个 现有的CLS工厂代表着大量的资本投资,不会 利用膜技术。这项研究调查了强化软化, 以及对CLS流程进行必要的修改,以改善NOM的去除和 减少消毒副产品。来自两个国家的台架和足尺试验结果 佛罗里达公用事业公司的介绍,有效地证明了CLS流程 可以进行调整以应对新的监管挑战。全面测试结果 对于强化软化和同时凝固软化, 使用每天流量为2000万至4000万加仑的加速器。 提供的消毒副产品数据包括实际分配系统总数 有机碳、三卤甲烷和卤乙酸。影响 还讨论了强化的CLS残差管理。在全面的 通过测试,收集了Langlier指数数据,以确保过程 改造后的成品水稳定。包括5个参考文献、表格、图表。
New Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts regulations promulgated December 16, 1998 are expected to have significant impacts on existing cold lime softening (CLS) plants in Florida. Because of the high levels of natural organic matter (NOM) typically present in Florida's groundwater and the need to provide softening to reduce hardness to acceptable levels, many utilities are planning the construction of new membrane treatment facilities at tremendous cost. The existing CLS plants represent substantial capital investments that will not be utilized by the membrane technology. This study investigates enhanced softening, and the required modifications to the CLS process to improve NOM removal and reduce disinfection byproducts. Bench and full-scale test results from two south Florida utilities are presented, effectively demonstrating that the CLS process can be adjusted to meet the new regulatory challenges. Full-scale test results for enhanced softening and simultaneous coagulation and softening are presented, using accelators operating at flows from 20 to 40 million gallons per day. Disinfection byproduct data presented includes actual distribution system total organic carbon, trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids. The implications of enhanced CLS residuals management are also discussed. During the full-scale testing, Langlier Index data was collected to insure that the process modifications would produce a stable finished water. Includes 5 references, tables, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会