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现行 ASTM F3527-24
Standard Guide for Assessing Risks Related to Implementation of Exoskeletons in Task-Specific Environments 在特定任务环境中实施外骨骼相关风险评估的标准指南
发布日期: 2024-11-15
1.1 当在现实世界的工作环境中实现外骨骼时,外骨骼与给定任务及其环境的各种组件的交互会产生许多风险。本指南为进行背景风险评估提供了指导。一份工作文件载于 附录X1 允许启动风险评估过程。它可用于描述任务、将任务分解为任务元素、预测相关危害情景(提供了一系列典型危害情景)、评估相关风险、检测可能需要进一步分析或实施风险降低措施的情景。 1.2 本指南适用于雇主向有偿工人或专业人员管理的外骨骼,以支持与工作相关的任务和活动。 1.3 本指南涉及可能导致急性和可观察到的伤害和伤害的风险。本指南不涉及以下与外骨骼使用相关的主题和问题: 1.3.1 评估和预防可能导致慢性、累积性或长期损伤的风险因素; 1.3.2 使用外骨骼支持康复和重返工作岗位; 1.3.3 与存储和使用个人信息相关的风险; 1.3.4 可能导致物体损坏的风险;和 1.3.5 财务风险。 1.4 单位- 以SI单位表示的值应被视为标准。本标准不包括其他计量单位。 1.5 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全性问题(如果有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前建立适当的安全、健康和环境实践并确定法规限制的适用性。1.6 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的。 ======意义和用途====== 4.1 有证据支持使用职业外骨骼来支持工作任务和活动。人们认识到,组织、工作职责和工作环境千差万别。此外,市场上有各种各样的外骨骼。外骨骼在复杂性、形式和质量、身体覆盖范围和功能方面各不相同。职业外骨骼的认证计划目前不可用。因此,目前不存在任何机制来保证对外骨骼进行了环境风险评估,或者这些评估是否反映了外骨骼将被实施的真实工作环境。 4.2 本指南提供了评估外骨骼与现有和特定任务环境相互作用可能产生的风险的最低基线。提交的工作文件 附录X1 可用于支持外骨骼实施不同阶段的决策,例如: 4.2.1 采购- 它可以突出在特定工作环境中引入给定外骨骼技术可能引起的安全问题; 4.2.2 实施降低风险措施- 它可以突出需要采取风险降低措施的剩余风险; 4.2.3 未知数的检测- 它可以导致定义满足潜在危险情况的风险评估所需的附加步骤; 4.2.4 风险监控- 它可以作为一份“活文件”,在外骨骼的整个使用期间监控残余风险。 4.3 本指南中描述的伤害场景主要反映了可能导致急性和可观察到的伤害或人身伤害的情况。本指南不适用于评估可能导致慢性、累积性或长期损伤的潜在外骨骼与任务不相容性。然而,这些应被视为任何外骨骼选择和实施过程的一部分。关于评估可能导致此类伤害的风险因素的指南目前正在制定中,尚未公布。4.4 本指南的用户应评估本指南对给定工作环境的适用性。中提供的工具 附录X1 可以如所呈现的那样使用,可以被调整以反映额外的安全问题,或者它的元素可以被用来补充实施外骨骼的企业中存在的风险评估工具。 4.5 中提供的问题、陈述和伤害场景 附录X1 主要用于评估可能危及主要外骨骼使用者的风险。可以对这些进行修改,以评估可能危及二级用户的风险,如维护人员、培训人员、调整人员等。建议对每种用户类型分别进行风险评估。 4.6 本指南可供非专业人员用于执行初步风险评估,例如,帮助为购买选项选择外骨骼模型。然而,在实际工作环境中实施外骨骼之前,风险评估应由具有执行此类评估的适当知识和经验的人员进行。这应包括用户任务的详细知识、执行任务分析的能力、特定外骨骼模型的知识和经验,以及与风险分析相关的方法和限制的知识。因此,风险评估可能需要多个利益相关者的参与,包括人体工程学专家和人为因素专家、用户、经理、生产商代表和安全专业人员。 4.7 风险评估过程的结果代表了时间的快照,因为使用环境不可避免地会发生变化。例如,预期用户会发生变化(年龄、形态、健康、对外骨骼或任务的熟悉程度等)。)和团队组织(任务分配、策略、工具等)。因此,可能需要定期重新评估风险并定期更新风险缓解措施。 4.8 本指南不能取代国际、国家、联邦、州、部落、地方或地区政府的任何既定法律或法规。
1.1 When implementing exoskeletons in real-world work environments, exoskeleton interaction with various components of a given task and its environment can generate a number of risks. This guide provides guidance for conducting contextual risk assessment. A working document is provided in Appendix X1 to allow initiation of the risk assessment process. It can be used to describe tasks, break the tasks down into task elements, anticipate related harm scenarios (a series of typical harm scenarios are provided), assess related risks, and detect scenarios that may require further analysis or implementation of risk reduction measures. 1.2 This guide applies to exoskeletons administered by employers to paid workers or professionals to support work-related tasks and activities. 1.3 This guide addresses risks that may result in acute and observable injury and harm. This guide does not address the following topics and concerns related to exoskeleton use: 1.3.1 Assessment and prevention of risk factors that can lead to chronic, cumulative, or long-term injuries; 1.3.2 Use of exoskeletons to support rehabilitation and return to work; 1.3.3 Risks related to storage and use of personal information; 1.3.4 Risks that may result in damage of objects; and 1.3.5 Financial risks. 1.4 Units— The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 There is evidence to support use of occupational exoskeletons to support work tasks and activities. It is recognized that organizations, job responsibilities, and working contexts vary widely. Additionally, a wide array of exoskeletons are becoming available on the market. Exoskeletons vary in terms of complexity, form and mass, body coverage, and function. Certification programs for occupational exoskeletons are not available at this time. As such, at the present time no mechanisms exist to guarantee that circumstantial risk evaluation was performed on exoskeletons or whether these evaluations reflect the real working context in which exoskeletons will be implemented. 4.2 This guide provides a minimum baseline for assessing risks that may arise from exoskeleton interaction with existing and task-specific environments. The working document presented in Appendix X1 can be used to support decision making at different stages of exoskeleton implementation, such as: 4.2.1 Purchase— It can highlight safety concerns that may arise from introduction of a given exoskeleton technology in a specific work context; 4.2.2 Implementation of Risk Reduction Measures— It can highlight residual risks that require risk reduction measures; 4.2.3 Detection of Unknowns— It can lead to definition of additional steps that are needed to satisfy risk assessment for potentially hazardous situations; 4.2.4 Risk Monitoring— It can be used as a “living document” to monitor residual risks throughout the use period of the exoskeleton. 4.3 Harm scenarios described in this guide primarily reflect situations that may result in acute and observable injury or harm to a person. This guide is not suited for assessment of potential exoskeleton-to-task incompatibilities that may result in chronic, cumulative, or long-term injuries. However, these should be considered as part of any exoskeleton selection and implementation process. Guidelines on evaluation of risk factors that may lead to such injuries are currently under development and not yet published. 4.4 The user of this guide should evaluate the applicability of this guide for the given job context. The tool provided in Appendix X1 can be used as presented, can be adapted to reflect additional safety concerns, or elements of it can be used to supplement risk assessment tools existing in the enterprise where an exoskeleton is implemented. 4.5 The questions, statements, and harm scenarios provided in Appendix X1 are primarily targeted for assessment of risks that may endanger primary exoskeleton users. These can be modified to assess risks that may endanger secondary users, such as maintenance personnel, trainers, adjustment personnel, etc. It is recommended that risk assessment be conducted separately for each user type. 4.6 This guide can be used by non-specialized personnel to perform preliminary risk assessment, to aid, for example, pre-selection of exoskeleton models for purchase options. However, prior to implementing an exoskeleton in real-world working contexts, risk assessment should be conducted by personnel having the knowledge and experience appropriate to perform such assessment. This should include detailed knowledge of user tasks, ability to perform task analysis, knowledge and experience with the particular exoskeleton model, and knowledge of methods and of limitations associated to risk analysis. As such, risk assessment may require involvement of multiple stakeholders, including ergonomists and human factors specialists, users, managers, producer representatives, and safety professionals. 4.7 The results of a risk assessment process represent a snapshot in time, as use context inevitably evolves. For example, changes are expected to occur in users (age, morphology, health, familiarity with the exoskeleton or task, etc.) and team organization (task distribution, policies, tools, etc.). Consequently, periodic reassessment of risks and periodic updates of risk mitigation measures may be needed. 4.8 This guide does not supersede any established laws or regulations of international, national, federal, state, tribal, local, or regional governments.
归口单位: F48.02