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现行 ISO 2612:2023
Analysis of natural gas — Biomethane — Determination of ammonia content by tuneable diode laser absorption spectroscopy 天然气分析生物甲烷可调谐二极管激光吸收光谱法测定氨含量
发布日期: 2023-12-13
本文件描述了用于测量痕量水平(μ mol mol-1)的天然气和生物甲烷中氨含量分数的几种测试方法。描述了应用于几种不同氨测量系统的甲烷中氨的加压混合物的合适处理和取样。测量系统由容易获得的专门用于氨的商业光谱分析仪组成。这些NH3分析仪在其操作方面被视为黑匣子,这取决于制造商的说明。该文件描述了合适的校准和测量策略,以量化(生物)甲烷中的氨在10?mg m-3(14 μ mol mol-1)水平,适用于绝对压力范围为1?条目-2?酒吧,温度为0?-40℃?℃,相对湿度<90?%.还参考了应用于天然气分析或空气质量测量的附加标准。在该文献中,基质气体总是甲烷或生物甲烷,并且被测物是NH3的量分数。 笔记?1?酒吧=0,1?MPa=105帕;1?MPa=1?N/mm2。

This document describes several test methods for measuring the ammonia amount fraction in natural gas and biomethane at the trace level (μmol mol-1). The suitable handling and sampling of pressurised mixtures of ammonia in methane that are applied to several different ammonia measurement systems are described. The measurement systems are comprised of readily available commercial spectroscopic analysers that are specific to ammonia. These NH3 analysers are considered as a black box in terms of their operation, which is dependent on the instructions of the manufacturer. The document describes suitable calibration and measurement strategies to quantify ammonia in (bio)methane around and above the 10 mg m-3 (14 μmol mol-1) level and applies to analysis within absolute pressure ranges of 1 bar – 2 bar, temperatures of 0 °C – 40 °C and relative humidity <90 %.

References are also made to additional standards that are applied either to natural gas analysis or air quality measurements. In this document the matrix gas is always methane or biomethane and the measurand is the amount fraction NH3.

NOTE            1 bar = 0,1 MPa =105 Pa; 1 MPa = 1 N/mm2.

归口单位: ISO/TC 193/SC 1