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现行 NY-91-06-4
Impact of Desiccant Degradation on Desiccant Cooling System Performance 干燥剂降解对干燥剂冷却系统性能的影响
开式循环干燥剂冷却系统的性能取决于几个因素,其中一些因素的变化可能超出制造商的规格。例如,干燥剂吸附过程可能会随着暴露于空气污染物和热循环的时间而降解。干燥剂降解会降低除湿器的性能,从而降低干燥剂冷却系统的性能。利用计算机模拟和硅胶的最新实验数据,评估了降解的影响。还模拟了具有1型中等等温线的干燥剂的假设降解。根据干燥剂降解的程度和类型,系统的热性能系数(COP)和冷却能力下降10%至35%。 当干燥剂降解被认为是最糟糕的情况时,系统性能会损失35%。模拟结果表明,通过提高除湿器的转速,可以提高这些退化系统的COP,并在较小程度上提高冷却能力。结果表明,简单的工程解决方案可能适用于某些类型的降解。关键词:干燥剂、冷却、性能、性能系数、除湿器、吸附式除湿器、变质、旋转、速度、变质。引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,第97卷,Pt。1991年,纽约
The performance of open-cycle desiccant cooling systems depends on several factors, some of which can change beyond manufacturers' specifications. For example, the desiccant sorption process may degrade with time on exposure to airborne contaminants and thermal cycling. Desiccant degradation can reduce the performance of a dehumidifier and thus the performance of desiccant cooling systems. Using computer simulations and recent experimental data on silica gel, the impact of degradation was evaluated. Hypothetical degradations of desiccants with Type 1 moderate isotherms were also simulated. Depending on the degree and type of desiccant degradation, the decrease in thermal coefficient of performance (COP) and cooling capacity of the system was 10% to 35%. The 35% loss in system performance occurs when desiccant degradation is considered worst case. The simulations showed that the COP and, to a lesser degree, the cooling capacity of these degraded systems could be improved by increasing the rotational speed of the dehumidifier. It is shown that easy engineering solutions might be available for some types of degradations.KEYWORDS: desiccants, cooling, performance, coefficient of performance, dehumidifiers, adsorption dehumidifiers, deteriorating, rotating, speed, deteriorating.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类