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现行 ASTM C1624-22
Standard Test Method for Adhesion Strength and Mechanical Failure Modes of Ceramic Coatings by Quantitative Single Point Scratch Testing 通过定量单点划痕试验测定陶瓷涂层的粘附强度和机械失效模式的标准试验方法
发布日期: 2022-03-15
1.1 本试验方法包括测定硬(维氏硬度HV=5 GPa或更高)、薄( ≤ 环境温度下金属和陶瓷基材上的陶瓷涂层。这些陶瓷涂层通常用于耐磨损、抗氧化和功能(光学、磁性、电子、生物)性能改善。 1.2 在试验方法中,以恒定速度和规定法向力(恒定或逐渐增加)在规定距离内,在涂层试样的平面上绘制规定几何形状的金刚石触针(罗克韦尔C,夹角为120°且球形尖端半径为200μm的锥形金刚石压头)。 通过显微镜评估划痕轨迹沿线的损伤,将其视为作用力的函数。特定程度的渐进损伤与正常触针力的增加有关。在涂层中产生特定类型/级别损伤的力水平被定义为临界划痕载荷。该测试方法还描述了使用切向力和声发射信号作为二次测试数据,以识别不同的涂层损伤程度。 1.3 涂层适用性- 本试验方法适用于各种硬质陶瓷涂层成分:碳化物、氮化物、氧化物、金刚石和金刚石- 就像陶瓷和金属基材上的碳一样。使用半径为200μm的金刚石触针定义的试验方法通常用于0.1至30μm范围内的涂层厚度。试样通常具有用于测试的平面,但也可以使用适当的夹具测试圆柱体几何形状。 1.4 主要限制: 1.4.1 该试验方法不测量涂层和基材之间粘结的基本粘附强度。相反,该测试方法提供了涂层-基材系统的实际(外在)粘附强度的工程测量,这取决于测试参数(触针特性和几何形状、加载速率、位移速率等)和涂层的复杂交互作用- 基材性能(硬度、断裂强度、弹性模量、损伤机制、微观结构、缺陷数量、表面粗糙度等)。 1.4.2 定义的试验方法不直接适用于以延性、塑性方式失效的金属或聚合物涂层,因为塑性变形机制与在硬质陶瓷涂层中观察到的脆性损伤模式和特征非常不同。该试验方法可适用于在脆性模式下失效的硬质金属涂层,并适当改变试验参数和损伤分析程序和标准。 1.4.3 对于非常薄(<0.1μm)或更厚的涂层(>30μm),不建议使用罗克韦尔C金刚石触针和特定法向力和速率参数定义的测试方法。此类涂层可能需要不同的触针几何形状、加载速率和施加的法向力范围,以获得可用、准确、可重复的结果。 1.4.4 以国际单位制表示的数值应视为标准值。本标准不包括其他计量单位。以国际单位制为单位的测试数据值(力为牛顿(N),位移为毫米(mm))应视为标准值,并符合 IEEE/ASTM SI 10 . 1.5 组织- 试验方法分为以下几节: 部分 范围 1. 目的和说明 1.1 适用性 1.3 主要限制 1.4 组织 1.5 参考文件 2. ASTM标准 2.1 其他标准和参考 2.2 术语 3. 试验方法总结 4. 意义和用途 5. 测试方法和实验控制 6. 测试概述 6.1 测试模式 6.2 主要和补充测量 6.3 临界划痕载荷损伤标准和划痕图谱 6.4 实验因素和变量 6.5 干扰 7. 材料和样本相关 7.2 与试验方法相关 7.3 仪器 8. 一般说明 8.1 触针和触针安装 8.2 机械级和位移控制 8.3 测试框架和施力系统 8.4 力和位移传感器 8.5 光学分析和测量 8.6 数据采集和记录 8.7 声发射(可选) 8.8 涂层附着力参考样本(可选) 8.9 涂层表面轮廓术(可选) 8.10 数据分析和输出软件(可选) 8.11 试样 9 试样要求 9.1 试样表征 9.2 试样尺寸 9.3 试样平整度和水平度 9.4 抛光(可选) 9.5 样本暴露调节(可选) 9.6 样本清洗 9.7 样本处理和储存 9.8 标定 10 系统校准 10.1 参考样本 10.2 试验程序 11 标定 11.1 测试模式选择 11.2 测试规划 11.3 触针检查和清洁 11.4 环境条件 11.5 系统设置和检查 11.6 试样安装 11.7 进行测试 11.8 样本计数 11.9 无效和经过审查的数据 11.10 划痕损伤评估 11.11 计算 12 汇报 13 测试标识 13.2 样本信息 13.3 测试设备和程序信息 13.4 测试数据和统计 13.5 精度和偏差 14 关键词 15 罗克韦尔金刚石压头规范 附件A1 校准和校准 附件A2 重复性和再现性研究 附件A3 涂层损伤标准和划痕图谱 附录X1 划痕附着力测试中的实验变量 附录X2 参考文献 1.6 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.7 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 5.1 本试验旨在评估给定金属或陶瓷基材上特定硬质陶瓷涂层的机械完整性、故障模式和实际粘附强度。该测试方法不测量涂层和基材之间粘结的基本“粘附强度”。 相反,该测试方法给出了涂层-基材系统的实际(外在)粘附强度和抗损伤性的定量工程测量,作为施加法向力的函数。粘附强度和损伤模式取决于涂层-基体特性(硬度、断裂强度、弹性模量、损伤机制、微观结构、缺陷数量、表面粗糙度等)和测试参数(触针特性和几何形状、加载速率、位移速率等)的复杂交互作用。 5.2 本文所述的试验方法不适用于聚合物涂层、韧性金属涂层,非常薄(<0。 1. μm)陶瓷涂层,或超厚(>30μm)陶瓷涂层。 注2: 在狭窄的情况下,该试验可用于聚合物基材上的陶瓷涂层,并适当考虑两种材料之间弹性模量、延展性和强度的差异。通常,聚合物基材的相对模量较低,这意味着陶瓷涂层通常会在涂层本身发生内聚破坏之前发生弯曲破坏(全厚度粘附破坏)。 5.3 定量涂层附着力划痕测试是一种简单、实用、快速的测试方法。 然而,可靠且可再现的测试结果需要仔细控制测试系统配置和测试参数,详细分析涂层损伤特征,并适当表征涂层和试样基材的特性和形态。 5.4 涂层附着力测试直接应用于整个涂层开发、工程和生产工作。测量涂层中的损伤机制作为施加法向力的函数,有助于理解材料过程特性关系;量化和确认涂层的机械响应- 基质系统;评估涂层耐久性;测量生产质量;并支持故障分析。 5.5 本试验方法适用于通过物理气相沉积、化学气相沉积和直接氧化方法应用于金属和陶瓷基材的各种硬质陶瓷涂层成分(碳化物、氮化物、氧化物、金刚石和类金刚石碳)。 5.6 陶瓷涂层可以是晶态或非晶态,但通常具有较高的相对密度和有限的孔隙率(<5 %). 可以测试多孔涂层,但必须仔细考虑孔隙度对涂层损伤机制的影响。 5.7 使用半径为200μm的罗克韦尔金刚石触针定义的测试方法通常用于0.10至30μm范围内的陶瓷涂层厚度。较薄的涂层可能需要较小直径的触针和较低的法向力才能获得可靠的结果。较厚的涂层可能需要更大直径的触针和更高的法向力。应报告触针尺寸和几何形状以及指定法向力范围的任何变化。 5.8 试样通常有一个平坦的平面用于测试,但如果圆柱体几何形状正确固定和对齐,并且划痕方向沿试样长轴,则也可以对其进行测试。 试样的物理尺寸主要由试验设备阶段和夹具的能力和限制决定。 5.9 试验通常在无润滑条件下和室温下进行。然而,修改试验设备和试验条件以在润滑或高温下进行试验是可行的。 5.10 可以测试涂层试样 之后 高温、氧化或腐蚀暴露,以评估涂层的保留性能和耐久性(短期和长期)。任何试样调节或环境暴露都应完整记录在试验报告中,详细描述暴露条件(温度、大气、压力、化学、湿度等)、时间长度以及由此引起的涂层形态、成分和微观结构的变化。
1.1 This test method covers the determination of the practical adhesion strength and mechanical failure modes of hard (Vickers Hardness HV = 5 GPa or higher), thin ( ≤ 30 μm) ceramic coatings on metal and ceramic substrates at ambient temperatures. These ceramic coatings are commonly used for wear/abrasion resistance, oxidation protection, and functional (optical, magnetic, electronic, biological) performance improvement. 1.2 In the test method, a diamond stylus of defined geometry (Rockwell C, a conical diamond indenter with an included angle of 120° and a spherical tip radius of 200 μm) is drawn across the flat surface of a coated test specimen at a constant speed and a defined normal force (constant or progressively increasing) for a defined distance. The damage along the scratch track is microscopically assessed as a function of the applied force. Specific levels of progressive damage are associated with increasing normal stylus forces. The force level(s) which produce a specific type/level of damage in the coating are defined as a critical scratch load(s). The test method also describes the use of tangential force and acoustic emission signals as secondary test data to identify different coating damage levels. 1.3 Applicability to Coatings— This test method is applicable to a wide range of hard ceramic coating compositions: carbides, nitrides, oxides, diamond, and diamond-like carbon on ceramic and metal substrates. The test method, as defined with the 200 μm radius diamond stylus, is commonly used for coating thicknesses in the range of 0.1 to 30 μm. Test specimens generally have a planar surface for testing, but cylinder geometries can also be tested with an appropriate fixture. 1.4 Principal Limitations: 1.4.1 The test method does not measure the fundamental adhesion strength of the bond between the coating and the substrate. Rather, the test method gives an engineering measurement of the practical (extrinsic) adhesion strength of a coating-substrate system, which depends on the complex interaction of the test parameters (stylus properties and geometry, loading rate, displacement rate, and so forth) and the coating-substrate properties (hardness, fracture strength, modulus of elasticity, damage mechanisms, microstructure, flaw population, surface roughness, and so forth). 1.4.2 The defined test method is not directly applicable to metal or polymeric coatings which fail in a ductile, plastic manner, because plastic deformation mechanisms are very different than the brittle damage modes and features observed in hard ceramic coatings. The test method may be applicable to hard metal coatings which fail in a brittle mode with appropriate changes in test parameters and damage analysis procedures and criteria. 1.4.3 The test method, as defined with the Rockwell C diamond stylus and specific normal force and rate parameters, is not recommended for very thin (<0.1 μm) or thicker coatings (>30 μm). Such coatings may require different stylus geometries, loading rates, and ranges of applied normal force for usable, accurate, repeatable results. 1.4.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. Test data values in SI units (newtons (N) for force and millimetres (mm) for displacement) are to be considered as standard and are in accordance with IEEE/ASTM SI 10 . 1.5 Organization— The test method is organized into the following sections: Section Scope 1 Purpose and Description 1.1 Applicability 1.3 Principal Limitations 1.4 Organization 1.5 Referenced Documents 2 ASTM Standards 2.1 Other Standards and References 2.2 Terminology 3 Summary of Test Method 4 Significance and Use 5 Test Methodology and Experimental Control 6 Test Overview 6.1 Test Modes 6.2 Primary and Supplementary Measurements 6.3 Critical Scratch Load Damage Criteria and Scratch Atlas 6.4 Experimental Factors and Variables 6.5 Interferences 7 Material and Specimen Related 7.2 Test Method Related 7.3 Apparatus 8 General Description 8.1 Stylus and Stylus Mounting 8.2 Mechanical Stage and Displacement Control 8.3 Test Frame and Force Application System 8.4 Force and Displacement Sensors 8.5 Optical Analysis and Measurement 8.6 Data Acquisition and Recording 8.7 Acoustic Emission (Optional) 8.8 Coating Adhesion Reference Specimens (Optional) 8.9 Coating Surface Profilometry (Optional) 8.10 Data Analysis and Output Software (Optional) 8.11 Test Specimens 9 Specimen Requirements 9.1 Specimen Characterization 9.2 Specimen Size 9.3 Specimen Flatness and Level 9.4 Polishing (Optional) 9.5 Specimen Exposure Conditioning (Optional) 9.6 Specimen Cleaning 9.7 Specimen Handling and Storage 9.8 Calibration 10 System Calibration 10.1 Reference Specimens 10.2 Test Procedure 11 Calibration 11.1 Test Mode Selection 11.2 Test Planning 11.3 Stylus Inspection and Cleaning 11.4 Environmental Conditions 11.5 System Setup and Check 11.6 Test Specimen Mounting 11.7 Conducting the Test 11.8 Specimen Count 11.9 Invalid and Censored Data 11.10 Scratch Damage Assessment 11.11 Calculations 12 Report 13 Test Identification 13.2 Specimen Information 13.3 Test Equipment and Procedure Information 13.4 Test Data and Statistics 13.5 Precision and Bias 14 Keywords 15 Rockwell Diamond Indenter Specifications Annex A1 Alignment and Calibration Annex A2 Repeatability and Reproducibility Studies Annex A3 Coating Damage Criteria and Scratch Atlas Appendix X1 Experimental Variables in Scratch Adhesion Testing Appendix X2 Bibliography 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.7 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 This test is intended to assess the mechanical integrity, failure modes, and practical adhesion strength of a specific hard ceramic coating on a given metal or ceramic substrate. The test method does not measure the fundamental “adhesion strength” of the bond between the coating and the substrate. Rather, the test method gives a quantitative engineering measurement of the practical (extrinsic) adhesion strength and damage resistance of the coating-substrate system as a function of applied normal force. The adhesion strength and damage modes depend on the complex interaction of the coating-substrate properties (hardness, fracture strength, modulus of elasticity, damage mechanisms, microstructure, flaw population, surface roughness, and so forth) and the test parameters (stylus properties and geometry, loading rate, displacement rate, and so forth). 5.2 The test method as described herein is not appropriate for polymer coatings, ductile metal coatings, very thin (<0.1 μm) ceramic coatings, or very thick (>30 μm) ceramic coatings. Note 2: Under narrow circumstances, the test may be used for ceramic coatings on polymer substrates with due consideration of the differences in elastic modulus, ductility, and strength between the two types of materials. Commonly, the low comparative modulus of the polymer substrate means that the ceramic coating will generally tend to fail in bending (through-thickness adhesive failure) before cohesive failure in the coating itself. 5.3 The quantitative coating adhesion scratch test is a simple, practical, and rapid test. However, reliable and reproducible test results require careful control of the test system configuration and testing parameters, detailed analysis of the coating damage features, and appropriate characterization of the properties and morphology of the coating and the substrate of the test specimens. 5.4 The coating adhesion test has direct application across the full range of coating development, engineering, and production efforts. Measurements of the damage mechanisms in a coating as a function of applied normal forces are useful to understand material-process-property relations; quantify and qualify the mechanical response of coating-substrate systems; assess coating durability; measure production quality; and support failure analysis. 5.5 This test method is applicable to a wide range of hard ceramic coating compositions (carbides, nitrides, oxides, diamond, and diamond-like carbon) applied by physical vapor deposition, chemical vapor deposition, and direct oxidation methods to metal and ceramic substrates. 5.6 Ceramic coatings can be crystalline or amorphous, but commonly have high relative density with limited porosity (<5 %). Porous coatings can be tested, but the effects of porosity on the damage mechanisms in the coating must be carefully considered. 5.7 The test method, as defined with the 200 μm radius Rockwell diamond stylus, is commonly used for ceramic coating thicknesses in the range of 0.10 to 30 μm. Thinner coatings may require a smaller diameter stylus and lower normal forces for reliable results. Thicker coatings may require larger diameter stylus and higher normal forces. Any variations in stylus size and geometry and designated normal force ranges shall be reported. 5.8 Specimens commonly have a flat planar surface for testing, but cylinder geometries can also be tested if they are properly fixtured and aligned and the scratch direction is along the long axis of the specimen. The physical size of the test specimen is determined primarily by the capabilities and limits of the test equipment stage and fixturing. 5.9 The test is commonly conducted under unlubricated conditions and at room temperature. However, it is feasible and possible to modify the test equipment and test conditions to conduct the test with lubrication or at elevated temperatures. 5.10 Coated specimens can be tested after high temperature, oxidative, or corrosive exposure to assess the retained properties and durability (short-term and long-term) of the coating. Any specimen conditioning or environmental exposure shall be fully documented in the test report, describing in detail the exposure conditions (temperature, atmosphere, pressures, chemistry, humidity, and so forth), the length of time, and resulting changes in coating morphology, composition, and microstructure.
归口单位: C28.04