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现行 SF-2131
An Investigation of Refrigerants for Single-stage Centrifugal Water Chillers 单级离心式冷水机组制冷剂的研究
离心式冷水机组是一种重要的工业产品。它们构成了大多数大型空调系统的核心。许多大型剧院、办公楼、酒店、公共建筑、百货公司或其他需要大规模空调的建筑都依赖离心式冷水机进行冷却。离心式冷水机的设计涉及热力学、气体动力学、机械设计、材料工程,甚至电气工程的复杂结合。任何领域的创新都可能导致其他领域的设计修改。因此,一代设备的“最佳制冷剂”可能不会在下一代设备中保持“最佳”。本次调查的目的是,随着离心式制冷机系统的不断发展,找出最能满足当前和未来离心式制冷机设计师特定需求的制冷剂。 特别强调的是寻找能够将离心服务中优越的运行性能与更高的蒸发器压力相结合的流体。引用:ASHRAE交易,第76卷,第1部分,旧金山,CA
Centrifugal water chillers are an important industry product. They form the heart of most large air conditioning systems. Many large theaters, office buildings, hotels, public buildings, department stores, or other structures with large scale air conditioning requirements rely on centrifugal water chillers for their cooling. The design of a centrifugal water chiller involves a complex blend of thermodynamics, gas dynamics, mechanical design, materials engineering, and even electrical engineering. Innovation in anyone,of these areas may lead to design modifications in othe.rs. Thus a "best refrigerant" for one generation of equipment may not remain "best" for the next generation.This investigation was undertaken in an effort to identify refrigerants which might best meet the specific needs of centrifugal chiller designers now and in the future as such systems continue to evolve. Particular stress was placed on finding fluids which would combine superior operating performance in centrifugal service with higher evaporator pressures.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类