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现行 ISO/TS 18621-31:2024
Graphic technology — Image quality evaluation methods for printed matter — Part 31: Evaluation of the perceived resolution of printing systems with the Contrast–Resolution chart 印刷技术印刷品图像质量评定方法第31部分:用对比度-分辨率图评定印刷系统的感知分辨率
发布日期: 2024-01-12
本文件规定了对比度分辨率测试图、复制该测试图所需的打印过程要求、将打印测试图上复制的信息数字化所需的高分辨率扫描仪所需的特性以及对该数字化数据的解释要求。它还规定了使用对比度分辨率测试图评估印刷材料的感知分辨率的分辨率评分方法。 本文件中规定的程序旨在使用对比度分辨率测试图表征图形艺术生产印刷系统的感知分辨率。

This document specifies the Contrast–Resolution test chart, the requirements on the printing process needed to reproduce this test chart, the required characteristics of a high resolution scanner needed to digitize the information reproduced on printed test charts, and the requirements on the interpretation of this digitized data. It also specifies the resolution-score method for evaluating the perceptual resolution of printed material using the Contrast–Resolution test chart.

The procedure specified in this document is intended for a characterization of the perceived resolution of a graphic arts production printing system using the Contrast–Resolution test chart.

归口单位: ISO/TC 130