Space systems. Human-life activity support systems and equipment integration in space flight
太空系统 太空飞行中的人类生命活动支持系统和设备集成
BS ISO 17763:2018(一级标准)是关于太空飞行中人类生命活动支持系统和设备集成的主要文件。交叉引用:GOST R 50804-95GOST 28040-89购买本文件时,所有当前可用的修改件均包含在购买本文件中。
BS ISO 17763:2018 (first level standard) is the main document among the others regarding human-life activity support systems and equipment integration in space flight.Cross References:GOST R 50804-95GOST 28040-89All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.