This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of recharging Colorado River water and blending it with
native groundwater. Water quality and treatment goals are presented, along with processes needed to meet goals. Testing objectives included the following:
evaluate if IX can reduce barium levels; minimize brine production from
evaluate RO and NF relative salt
rejection and operating pressures; and,
evaluate VSEP membrane selection. Ion exchange issues to be
researched are presented, along with ion exchange testing parameters, and a summary of IX testing
results that include the following:
SAC (Na+) was the only resin to reliably
meet barium goal of 0.02 mg/L;
Barium broke through (0.02 mg/L) at ~
500 bed volumes;
Amberlite PWC14 performed the best
out of the four SAC (Na+) resins; and, salt requirements were more than
previously assumed (9.57 lb vs. 3.92 lb
of salt per 1,000 gallons treated). Includes tables, figures.