BS ISO 16063-43:2015 prescribes terms and methods on the estimation of parameters used in
mathematical models describing the input/output characteristics of vibration transducers, together
with the respective parameter uncertainties. The described methods estimate the parameters on
the basis of calibration data collected with standard calibration procedures in accordance with
ISO 16063-11, ISO 16063-13, ISO 16063-21 and ISO 16063-22. The specification is provided as an
extension of the existing procedures and definitions in those International Standards. The uncertainty
estimation described conforms to the methods established by ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 and ISO/IEC Guide 98-
3:2008/Supplement 1:2008.The new characterization described in this document is intended to improve the quality of calibrations
and measurement applications with broadband/transient input, like shock. It provides the means of a
characterization of the vibration transducer's response to a transient input and, therefore, provides
a basis for the accurate measurement of transient vibrational signals with the prediction of an input
from an acquired output signal. The calibration data for accelerometers used in the aforementioned
field of applications should additionally be evaluated and documented in accordance with the methods
described below, in order to provide measurement capabilities and uncertainties beyond the limits
drawn by the single value characterization given by ISO 16063-13 and ISO 16063-22.Cross References:ISO 2041ISO 16063-11ISO 16063-13ISO 16063-21ISO 16063-22ISO/IEC Guide 98-3ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008ISO 16063-1All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.