Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures-Technical requirements for cold-formed structural aluminium elements and cold-formed structures for roof, ceiling, floor and wall applications
钢结构和铝结构的施工 屋顶、天花板、地板和墙壁用冷成型结构铝件和冷成型结构的技术要求
BS EN 1090-5:2017 specifies requirements for the execution i.e. the manufacture and the
installation of cold-formed structural aluminium components made from profiled sheeting for roof,
ceiling, floor and wall applications under predominately static loading conditions or seismic loading
conditions and their documentation. It does cover products of structural class I and II according to
EN 1999-1-4 used in structures.Structural elements are understood here to mean profiled sheeting, such as trapezoidal, sinusoidal,
liner trays or cassette profiles (Figure 1), that are produced by cold forming. Perforated and micro
profiled sheeting are also covered by this part.Welded sections are excluded from this part and are covered by EN 1090-3 except seal welding in lowstress
areas.This standard also covers spacer constructions between the outer and inner or upper and lower skins
as well as supporting members for roofs, walls and ceilings made from cold-formed profiled sheeting
and the connections and attachments of the afore mentioned elements as long as they are involved in
load transfer, it also covers connections and attachments of these elements.A combination of steel and aluminium structural elements are permitted, e.g. liner trays made of steel,
stiffened by profiles made of aluminium. In this case, EN 1090-4 and this document apply.Composite structural elements where the interaction between dissimilar materials are an integral part
of the structural behaviour such as sandwich panels and composite floors are not covered by this
standard.NOTE The structures covered in this standard can be for examplesingle- or multi-skin roofs, whereby the load-bearing structure (lower skin) as well as the actual
roof covering (upper skin) or both consist of structural elements;single- or multi-skin walls whereby the load-bearing structure (inner skin) as well as the actual
cladding (outer skin) or both consist of structural elements; orsuspended ceilings for interior fitting.Cross References:EN 508-2EN 1090-1EN 1090-3CEN/TS 1187EN 1995-1EN 1999-1-1EN 1999-1-4EN 10204EN 13501-5EN 62305-3:2011IEC 62305-3:2010EN ISO 376ISO 376EN ISO 717-1ISO 717-1EN ISO 11654ISO 11654EN 1396EN 1990EN 1991-1-1EN 1991-1-2EN 1991-1-3EN 1991-1-4EN 1991-1-5EN 1991-1-6EN 1991-1-7EN 1992EN 1993-1-3EN 1993-1-4EN 1993-1-5EN 1996EN 1998-1EN ISO 2081ISO 2081EN ISO 2409ISO 2409EN ISO 2808ISO 2808EN ISO 3506-1ISO 3506-1EN ISO 3506-2ISO 3506-2EN ISO 3506-3ISO 3506-3EN ISO 3506-4ISO 3506-4EN ISO 4042ISO 4042EN ISO 6270-1ISO 6270-1EN ISO 9227ISO 9227EN 10143EN 10152EN 10162EN 12056-1EN 12056-3EN ISO 12944-1ISO 12944-1EN ISO 12944-2ISO 12944-2EN ISO 12944-4ISO 12944-4EN ISO 12944-6ISO 12944-6EN ISO 12944-7ISO 12944-7EN 13523-1EN 13523-6EN 13523-7EN 13523-8EN ISO 14713-1ISO 14713-1EN 14783EN ISO 17872ISO 17872ASTM D5796EN 1090-4EN 1993-1-1EN 1999-1-2EN 14782EN ISO 354ISO 354All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.