Cold-formed welded structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels — Part 1: Technical delivery conditions
非合金和细晶粒钢制冷成型焊接结构空心型材Spart 1:交货技术条件
ISO 10799-1:2011规定了圆形、方形或矩形冷弯焊接结构空心型材的交货技术要求。适用于未经后续热处理的冷成型结构空心型材。
ISO 10799-1:2011给出了非合金钢和细晶粒钢的等级、化学成分和机械性能。
ISO 10799-1:2011 specifies the technical delivery requirements for cold-formed welded structural hollow sections of circular, square or rectangular form. It is applicable to structural hollow sections formed cold without subsequent heat treatment.
ISO 10799-1:2011 gives the grades, chemical composition and mechanical properties for non-alloy steels and fine grain steels.