This specification fulfils the requirements of the zero defect approach. The new assessment level EZ is
introduced to align the assessment procedures and levels with current industry practices.Cross References:IEC 60286-6EN 60068-2-14IEC 61760-1:2006EN 60286-3EN 60068-2-21AMD 1:2001EN 61340-3-1EN 60068-2-45CECC 240001IEC 60068-2-78EN 61193-2EN 60062:2005IEC 60068-2-58EN 60068-2-13IEC 61193-2EN 61760-1:2006EN 60068-2-1IEC 60286-3IEC 60068-2-45EN 140400EN 60027-1IEC 60068-2-20IEC QC 001002-3:2005EN 60068-2-78EN 140401EN 60068-2-20EN 60068-2-2EN 60695-11-5IEC 60695-11-5IEC 60195ISO 1000IEC 60068-2-21IEC 60115-1:1999IEC 60068-2-2IEC 60063Corrigendum:2007EN 60286-6EN 60068-2-58IEC 61340-3-1IEC 60068-2-6TR 60440IEC 60068-2-14IEC 60068-2-13EN 60115-1:2001IEC 60062:2004IEC 60068-2-30IEC 60410IEC 60027-1EN 60068-2-6EN 60068-2-30IEC 60068-2-1Incorporates the following:Amendment, July 2017; Amendment, July 2013; Amendment, December 2010