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现行 ISO/IEC 26550:2015
Software and systems engineering - Reference model for product line engineering and management 软件与系统工程 - 产品线工程与管理参考模型
发布日期: 2015-11-19
ISO/IEC 26550:2015是一整套软件和系统产品线工程和管理国际标准的切入点。 本国际标准的范围是: ? 提供特定于软件和系统产品线工程和管理的术语和定义, ? 为软件和系统产品线工程和管理的总体结构和过程定义一个参考模型,并描述产品线参考模型的组件如何组合在一起,以及 ? 定义产品线参考模型组件之间的相互关系。 ISO/IEC 26550:2015未描述与软件和系统产品线工程和管理相关的任何方法和工具。此类方法和工具的描述将出现在连续的国际标准(ISO/IEC 26551[1]至ISO/IEC 26556[2])中。本国际标准不涉及ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010所述的术语和定义,该标准提供了适用于所有系统和软件工程工作的通用词汇表。 当本国际标准提及;“产品”;,它的意思是;“系统级产品”;由软件系统或硬件和软件系统组成。 它可能有助于仅由硬件系统组成的产品线的工程设计和管理,但尚未明确创建它以支持此类硬件产品线。本国际标准不旨在帮助工程设计、生产、仓储、物流和管理可能与软件结合在一起构成产品的实物。这些过程属于其他学科(例如力学、电子学)。 注:附件A提供了有关产品的更多信息。 ISO/IEC 26550:2015,包括产品线参考模型以及术语和定义,是从参考文献[6]、[7]和[8]开始编制的,最终在出版时,各国成员机构达成了广泛共识。 除此背景过程外,ISO/IEC 12207:2008、ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015、ISO/IEC 15940:2006和ISO/IEC 14102:2008中的结构也被用作基线。 [1] 第二版即将出版。 [2] 正在开发中。
ISO/IEC 26550:2015 is the entry point of the whole suite of International Standards for software and systems product line engineering and management. The scope of this International Standard is to ? provide the terms and definitions specific to software and systems product line engineering and management, ? define a reference model for the overall structure and processes of software and systems product line engineering and management and describe how the components of the product line reference model fit together, and ? define interrelationships between the components of the product line reference model. ISO/IEC 26550:2015 does not describe any methods and tools associated with software and systems product line engineering and management. Descriptions of such methods and tools will appear in the consecutive International Standards (ISO/IEC 26551[1] to ISO/IEC 26556[2]). This International Standard does not deal with terms and definitions addressed by ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 that provides a common vocabulary applicable to all systems and software engineering work. Whenever this International Standard refers to "products", it means "system-level products" consisting of software systems or both hardware and software systems. It may be useful for the engineering and management of product lines that consist of only hardware systems but it has not been explicitly created to support such hardware product lines. This International Standard is not intended to help the engineering, production, warehousing, logistics, and management of physical items that, possibly combined with software, comprise the products. These processes belong to other disciplines (e.g. mechanics, electronics). NOTE Annex A provides further information on products. ISO/IEC 26550:2015, including the product line reference model and the terms and definitions, has been produced starting from References [6], [7], and [8] which finally resulted in a broad consensus from National Member Bodies at the time of publication. In addition to this background process, structures from ISO/IEC 12207:2008, ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015, ISO/IEC 15940:2006 and ISO/IEC 14102:2008 have been used as a baseline. [1] Second edition to be published. [2] Under development.
归口单位: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7