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现行 ASIS PSC.3-2013
Maturity Model for the Phased Implementation of a Quality Assurance Management System for Private Security Service Providers 私营安保服务提供商分阶段实施质量保证管理体系的成熟度模型
发布日期: 2013-01-29
本标准为ANSI/ASIS PSC分阶段实施的成熟度模型的使用提供了指导。1-2012作为一系列步骤。它旨在帮助各组织评估它们目前在与尊重人权、法律义务和良好实践相一致的质量保证管理方面的状况;为他们想去的地方设定目标,并对他们相对于这些目标的位置设定基准;并规划一条适合商业/任务的路径,以达到目的。该模型概述了六个阶段,从无计划的事件管理方法到超越标准要求,以及为质量保证管理创建整体环境。
This Standard provides guidance for the use of a maturity model for phased implementation of ANSI/ASIS PSC.1-2012 as a series of steps. It is designed to help organizations evaluate where they currently are with regard to quality assurance management consistent with respect for human rights, legal obligations, and good practices; set goals for where they want to go, and benchmark where they are relative to those goals; and plot a business/mission appropriate path to get there. The model outlines six phases ranging from an unplanned approach to managing events, to going beyond the requirements of the Standard, and creating a holistic environment for quality assurance management.