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现行 SF-86-01-3
The Upper Limit of Human Comfort from Measured and Calculated PMV Values in a National Bureau of Standards Test House 由国家标准局试验室测量和计算的PMV值得出的人体舒适度上限
将从热舒适仪(Lund Madsen 1976)获得的预测平均投票(PMV)值(Fanger 1970)与从国家标准局测试机构获得的测量环境数据计算的PMV值进行比较。测试包括使用吊扇。PMV值与堪萨斯州立大学(Rohles et al.1983)进行的吊扇测试数据进行了比较,该测试建议将ASHRAE标准55-1981扩展至85 F(29.4°C),吊扇空速为200 fpm(1.016 m/s)。测试结果表明,热舒适度计显示的PMV值约为0。 33低于计算值。对热舒适度计测试的分析表明,PMV为1,即PPD为26.8,可维持在86华氏度左右(30摄氏度),并且——结果支持85华氏度(29.4摄氏度)的最高温度建议(Rohles等人,1983年)。测试表明,热舒适度计与风扇控制器一起有效运行,以在PMV为+1时打开和关闭风扇。单位:双引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,1986年,第92卷,pt。1B,旧金山
Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) values (Fanger 1970) obtained from a thermal comfort meter (Lund Madsen 1976) were compared with calculated PMV values from measured environmental data taken from a National Bureau of Standards test house. The tests included the use of a ceiling fan. The PMV values were compared to data from a ceiling fan test performed by (Rohles et al. 1983) at Kansas State University, which recommended the ASHRAE Standard 55-1981 be extended to 85 F (29.4 °C) with ceiling fan airspeeds of 200 fpm (1.016 m/s). The results of the tests showed that the thermal comfort meter displayed PMV values were approximately 0.33 lower than the calculated values. The analysis of the thermal comfort meter tests indicated that a PMV-of one, which is a PPD of 26.8, could be maintained to approximately 86 F ET* (30°C ET*), and- the results supported the 85 F (29.4°C) maximum temperature recommendation (Rohles et al. 1983). The tests showed that the thermal comfort meter functioned effectively with a fan controller to switch the fan on and off at a PMV of +1.Units: Dual
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