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现行 IEC TS 62898-3-3:2023
Microgrids - Part 3-3: Technical requirements - Self-regulation of dispatchable loads 微电网.第3-3部分:技术要求.可调度负载的自调节
发布日期: 2023-08-16
IEC TS 62898-3-3:20 23通过可调度负载处理交流微电网的频率和电压稳定,这些负载会随着有功功耗的变化对频率和电压的变化做出自主反应。涵盖50赫兹和60赫兹电力系统。本文件给出了模拟包括合成惯性在内的负载的自调节效应的要求。 推荐用于这种方法的负载是非关键负载,这意味着它们的功率调制不会显著影响用户,因为涉及某种能量存储,这有效地将终端能量使用与电网的电力供应解耦。负荷的自我调节在孤岛模式和并网模式下都是有益的。本文件给出了自我调节行为的细节,但没有规定哪些负载应作为可选功能参与该方法。本文档涵盖了带下垂控制的连续可控负载和带分级设置的开/关可切换负载。本文件的范围仅限于连接到电压等级高达35 kV的负载。本文件不包括用于稳压和直流微电网的无功功率。
IEC TS 62898-3-3:2023 deals with frequency and voltage stabilization of AC microgrids by dispatchable loads, which react autonomously on variations of frequency and voltage with a change in active power consumption. Both 50 Hz and 60 Hz electric power systems are covered. This document gives requirements to emulate the self-regulation effect of loads including synthetic inertia.
The loads recommended for this approach are noncritical loads, this means their power modulation will not significantly affect the user as some kind of energy storage is involved which effectively decouples end energy use from the electricity supply by the electric network. The self-regulation of loads is beneficial both in island mode and grid-connected mode. This document gives the details of the self-regulation behaviour but does not stipulate which loads shall participate in this approach as an optional function.
This document covers both continuously controllable loads with droop control and ON/OFF switchable loads with staged settings. The scope of this document is limited to loads connected to the voltage level up to 35 kV. Reactive power for voltage stabilization and DC microgrids are excluded in this document.
归口单位: TC 8/SC 8B