Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for liquefied petroleum gas, LPG (liquid or gaseous phase), and natural gas up to 25 bar (2,5 MPa). Specification
25巴(2.5兆帕)以下液化石油气、液化石油气(液相或气相)和天然气用橡胶软管和软管组件 规格
BS EN 1762:2018规定了用于输送液态或气态液化石油气(LPG)和最大工作压力为25巴(2.5兆帕)且真空度在-30°C至+70°C温度范围内的天然气的橡胶软管和橡胶软管组件的要求,如果指定-LT,-50°C至+70°C。交叉引用:ISO 1817ISO 7233ISO 8033:2016ISO 10619-1ISO 10619-2EN ISO 7326ISO 188ISO 7326ISO 1402EN ISO 7233ISO 4671EN ISO 8033EN ISO 1402EN ISO 8330ISO 8031ISO 4649EN ISO 6179EN ISO 8031ISO 8330EN ISO 4671ISO 37EN ISO 10619-2EN ISO 10619-1ISO 6179EN 1360购买本文件时可提供的所有当前修订版。
BS EN 1762:2018 specifies the requirements for rubber hoses and rubber hose assemblies used for the transfer of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in liquid or gaseous phase and natural gas with a maximum working pressure of 25 bar (2,5 MPa) and vacuum within the temperature range of -30 °C to +70 °C and, when designated -LT, -50 °C to +70 °C.Cross References:ISO 1817ISO 7233ISO 8033:2016ISO 10619-1ISO 10619-2EN ISO 7326ISO 188ISO 7326ISO 1402EN ISO 7233ISO 4671EN ISO 8033EN ISO 1402EN ISO 8330ISO 8031ISO 4649EN ISO 6179EN ISO 8031ISO 8330EN ISO 4671ISO 37EN ISO 10619-2EN ISO 10619-1ISO 6179EN 1360All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.