LPG Equipment and accessories. Inspection and requalification of LPG pressure vessels up to and including 13 m<sup>3</sup>
液化石油气设备和配件 13米及以下液化石油气压力容器的检查和再鉴定
BS EN 12817:2019 specifies requirements for:a) routine inspection, periodic inspection and requalification of fixed LPG pressure vessels of sizes from
150 l up to and including 13 m3, and associated fittings;b) marking pressure vessels and/or keeping records, as appropriate, as a result of routine inspection,
periodic inspection and requalification.This document excludes refrigerated storage.Cross References:EN 16631EN 1330-9EN 14129EN 13554EN 13477-1EN 13477-2EN 14584EN 10289EN 13509EN 15495ISO 15257prEN 12542:2016EN 50162CEN/TS 16765EN 13636EN ISO 15257All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.