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现行 CH-15-C002
DEEP: A Database of Energy Efficiency Performance to Accelerate Energy Retrofitting of Commercial Buildings DEEP:加速商业建筑节能改造的能效性能数据库
本文介绍了一种建立节能性能数据库(DEEP)的方法和过程,以快速、准确地评估商业建筑的节能改造。DEEP是根据大约3500万EnergyPlus模拟的结果编制的。DEEP提供节能服务,用于筛选和评估针对加利福尼亚州中小型办公楼和零售楼的改造措施。原型建筑模型是基于DOE商业参考建筑和California DEER原型建筑,为全面评估建筑能源性能而开发的。原型建筑代表了七种建筑类型,跨越六个建筑年份和16个加利福尼亚气候区。 DEEP使用这些原型来评估大约100种节能措施的能源性能,包括围护结构、照明、供暖、通风、空调、插头负载和家用热水。深包括能源模拟结果的个别改造措施,以及封装措施,以考虑多个措施之间的互动效应。大规模的EnergyPlus模拟正在劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室国家能源研究科学计算中心的超级计算机上进行。预模拟数据库是一个正在进行的项目的一部分,该项目旨在为加利福尼亚州的中小型商业建筑开发一个基于网络的改造工具包,该工具包提供了真实的数据- 根据用户最大化节能、节约能源成本、减少碳排放或投资回报的决策标准,通过深度查询建议的措施、估计的节能和财务回报期,及时获得能源改造反馈。预模拟数据库和相关的综合测量分析增强了对改造进行性能评估的能力,以减少中小型建筑和企业主的能源使用,这些企业主通常没有资源进行成本高昂的建筑能源审计。DEEP将被移植到能源部的能源城DEnCity,该城利用现有模拟数据的不同来源,将大规模能源数据集成到多用途、开放和动态数据库中。 引用:ASHRAE论文:2015年ASHRAE年会,伊利诺伊州芝加哥
The paper presents a method and process to establish a database of energy efficiency performance (DEEP) to enable quick and accurate assessment of energy retrofit of commercial buildings. DEEP was compiled from results of about 35 million EnergyPlus simulations. DEEP provides energy savings for screening and evaluation of retrofit measures targeting the small and medium-sized office and retail buildings in California. The prototype building models are developed for a comprehensive assessment of building energy performance based on DOE commercial reference buildings and the California DEER prototype buildings. The prototype buildings represent seven building types across six vintages of constructions and 16 California climate zones. DEEP uses these prototypes to evaluate energy performance of about 100 energy conservation measures covering envelope, lighting, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, plug-loads, and domestic hot water. DEEP consists the energy simulation results for individual retrofit measures as well as packages of measures to consider interactive effects between multiple measures. The large scale EnergyPlus simulations are being conducted on the super computers at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The pre-simulation database is a part of an on-going project to develop a web-based retrofit toolkit for small and medium-sized commercial buildings in California, which provides real-time energy retrofit feedback by querying DEEP with recommended measures, estimated energy savings and financial payback period based on users' decision criteria of maximizing energy savings, energy cost savings, carbon reduction, or payback of investment. The pre-simulated database and associated comprehensive measure analysis enhances the ability to performance assessments of retrofits to reduce energy use for small and medium buildings and business owners who typically do not have resources to conduct costly building energy audit. DEEP will be migrated into the DEnCity - DOE's Energy City, which integrates large-scale energy data for multi-purpose, open, and dynamic database leveraging diverse source of existing simulation data.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类