Refrigerating systems and heat pumps. Qualification of tightness of components and joints
制冷系统和热泵 部件和接头的密封性鉴定
BS EN ISO 14903:2017提供了气密性的型式认证程序
在ISO 5149的相关部分中进行了描述。有关的密封和封闭部件、接头和零件
ISO 13971规定了由非金属材料制成。金属挠性管道包含在本规范中
文件本文件中的要求适用于最大DN 50和
密封接头。交叉引用:ISO 13971:2012ISO 5149-2:2014 ED1ISO 175:2010 Ed 3ISO 5149-1:2014EN 1593:1999ISO 1817:2015 ED6IEC 60068-2-64:2008EN 13185:2001ISO 7619-1:2010 Ed 2EN 378-2:2016EN 12263:1998EN 14276-2:2007IEC 60068-2-6-6:2007-1:2016EN 1779:1999IEC 60335-2-34-2012EN 13134:2000EN 14276-1:2006ISO 5149-4:2014 Ed-
3:2014 ED1EN 378-4:2016EN 12693:2008购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN ISO 14903:2017 provides the qualification procedure for type approval of the tightness of hermetically
sealed and closed components, joints and parts used in refrigerating systems and heat pumps as
described in relevant parts of ISO 5149. The sealed and closed components, joints and parts concerned
are, in particular, fittings, bursting discs, flanged or fitted assemblies. The tightness of flexible piping
made from non-metallic materials is dealt with in ISO 13971. Metal flexible piping are covered by this
document.The requirements contained in this document are applicable to joints of maximum DN 50 and
components of internal volume of maximum 5 l and maximum weight of 50 kg.This document is intended to characterize their tightness stresses met during their operations,
following the fitting procedure specified by the manufacturer, and to specify the minimal list of
necessary information to be provided by the supplier of a component to the person in charge of carrying
out this procedure.It specifies the level of tightness of the component, as a whole, and its assembly as specified by its
manufacturer.It applies to the hermetically sealed and closed components, joints and parts used in the refrigerating
installations, including those with seals, whatever their material and their design are.This document specifies additional requirements for mechanical joints that can be recognized as
hermetically sealed joints.Cross References:ISO 13971:2012ISO 5149-2:2014 ED1ISO 175:2010 Ed 3ISO 5149-1:2014EN 1593:1999ISO 1817:2015 ED6IEC 60068-2-64:2008EN 13185:2001ISO 7619-1:2010 Ed 2EN 378-2:2016EN 12263:1998EN 14276-2:2007IEC 60068-2-6:2007EN 378-1:2016EN 1779:1999IEC 60335-2-34:2012EN 13134:2000EN 14276-1:2006ISO 5149-4:2014 ED1ISO 18517:2005 (R08) Ed 1ISO 48:2010 Ed 5EN 378-3:2016ISO 5149-3:2014 ED1EN 378-4:2016EN 12693:2008All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.