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现行 CSA Z204-94(R1999)
Guideline for Managing Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings 办公楼室内空气质量管理指南
发布日期: 2000-01-21
本PDF包括GI#2.1。范围1。1本指南定义了可接受的室内空气质量(IAQ),并提供了在整个概念、设计、施工、调试、运行和维护阶段帮助办公楼实现可接受室内空气质量的方法。1.2本指南适用于主要用于办公功能的公共和私营部门建筑,旨在处理这些环境中常见的污染物。1.3本指南旨在为管理室内空气质量提供指导,使其达到有利于舒适度和生产力的水平,这可能超过其他规范和标准中规定的健康和安全污染物标准。 1.4本指南供建筑业主、物业经理、运营商、租户、建筑师和工程师使用。1.5本指南涉及室内空气质量问题,如通风和空气分布、温度、相对湿度、空气过滤、舒适性和空气污染物浓度。1.6尽管人们认识到照明、人体工程学和声学有助于改善室内环境质量,但本指南并未涉及这些问题。1.7本指南考虑了将办公空间与其他特殊空间分开的问题- 使用建筑中的空间。1.8本指南不提供处理氡气的指南。如有需要,用户应咨询监管机构。1.9本指南不涉及为环境敏感或超敏感人员提供合适办公环境的问题。
This PDF includes GI #2.1. Scope1.1This Guideline defines acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ) and provides methods to help achieve acceptable indoor air quality in office buildings, throughout the conception, design, construction, commissioning, operation, and maintenance stages.1.2This Guideline applies to public- and private-sector buil dings used primarily for office functions and is intended to deal with contaminants normally found in these environments.1.3This Guideline is intended to provide guidance on managing indoor air quality at a level conducive to comfort and productivity which may exceed health and safety contaminant criteria addressed in other Codes and Standards.1.4This Guideline is intended for use by building owners, property managers, operators, tenants, architects, and engineers.1.5This Guideline addresses indoor air quality issues such as ventilation and air distribution, temperature, relative humidity, air filtering, comfort, and the concentration of air contaminants.1.6Although it is recognized that lighting, ergonomics, and acoustics contribute to the quality of the indoor environment, they are not addressed by this Guideline.1.7This Guideline provides consideration for separating office space from other special-use spaces in a building.1.8This Guideline does not provide guidelines for dealing with radon gas. Should the need arise, users should consult with the regulatory authority.1.9This Guideline does not address the issue of providing an office environment suitable for the environmentally sensitive or hypersensitive.
发布单位或类别: 加拿大-加拿大标准协会