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现行 BO-2370(RP 144)
Effect of Changes in Ambient Temperature and Level of Humidity on Comfort and Thermal Sensations 环境温度和湿度变化对舒适感和热感觉的影响
根据HRAE舒适性标准55-74(1)的定义,舒适性的热方面是“表示对热环境满意的心理状态”根据这个定义,舒适感和不适感本质上是主观的,属于避免因过度寒冷或温暖而感到不适的范畴。供暖和通风工程师的许多经典研究。我们的目标是保持恒定的室温和湿度,以避免不适。越来越明显的是,影响热舒适性和感觉的因素,如活动和着装习惯的变化、室温、空气流动和湿度等多种多样,尤其是在大型室内结构中,通过严格的房间控制不可能满足每个人的热舒适状态。Wyon等人的研究。 (2) 在这项研究中,受试者暴露在温度变化中,这表明个体实际上更喜欢温度波动在最佳值附近。Sprague和McNall(3}报告说,如果温度率高于0.125 02/min,[由峰值振幅和平均气温变化率的乘积确定],久坐的个体将热感觉与干球温度联系得更紧密、更一致。(4)表明,在生理反应发生变化之前,瞬态热刺激会引起不适估计值的变化。记住这些研究1,室内结构中关于最佳环境温度的任何微小环境波动都会在皮肤或内部体温发生广泛平均变化之前进行判断,并通过适当的行为变化进行补救(例如,添加或移除涂层)或房间恒温器调整。 引用:马萨诸塞州波士顿ASHRAE Transactions第81卷第2部分
The thermal aspect of comfort, as defined under A~HRAE COMFORT STANDARD 55-74 (1), is "that state of mind which express~s satisfaction with the thermal environment." By this definition, comfort and discomfort sensations are inherently subjective and fall into the category of avoidance of discomfort due to excessive cold or warmth. Much of the classic research by· heating and ventilating engineers ha.s been done with the goal that a constant level of room temperature and humidity was desirable in order to prociuce this absence of discomfort. It is becoming increasingly apparent that factors affecting thermal comfort and sensations, such as changes in activity and clothing habits, room temperature, air movement, and humidity are diverse, especially in large indoor structures, and it is not possible to meet everyone's state of thermal comfort by rigorous room control.Studies by Wyon et al. (2), in which subjects were exposed to temperature variations, indicate that individuals actually prefer temperature swings about the optimum. Sprague and McNall (3} reported that sedentary individuals relate thermal sensation to dry-bulb temperatures more closely and consistently if the temperature rates are higher than 0.125 02/min, [determined by the product of the peak amplitude and average rate of air temperature variation]. Earlier work by Gagge et al. (4} showed that transient thermal · stimuli produced changes in discomfort estimates prior to changes in physiological responses. Keeping these studies in mind 1 any small environmental fluctuations in indoor structures about an optimum ambient temperature would be judgedin advance of wide average skin or internal body temperature changes and remedied by an appropriate behavioral change (e.g., adding a coat or removing it) or room thermostat adjustments.
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