Thermal insulation products for buildings. In-situ thermal insulation formed from expanded perlite (EP) products-Specification for the installed products
建筑隔热产品 由膨胀珍珠岩(EP)产品形成的现场隔热
交叉引用:EN 823:1994EN 14316-1:2004prEN ISO 9229:2005ISO/DIS 9229:2005EN ISO 6946ISO 6946:1996EN ISO 10456ISO 10456:1999购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中。
Cross References:EN 823:1994EN 14316-1:2004prEN ISO 9229:2005ISO/DIS 9229:2005EN ISO 6946ISO 6946:1996EN ISO 10456ISO 10456:1999All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.