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现行 BS ISO 20154:2017
Ships and marine technology. Guidelines on vibration isolation design methods for shipboard auxiliary machinery 船舶和海洋技术 船用辅助机械隔振设计方法导则
发布日期: 2017-10-25
本文件的BS ISO 20154:2017旨在根据船用机械(例如辅机、压缩机、风扇、泵、,一个设计良好的隔振系统可以显著降低从船上机械到船舶结构的振动传递,降低船上的噪声水平或船舶辐射的水下噪声。交叉引用: ISO 20283-3:2006ISO 20283-2:2008ISO 20283-5:2016ISO 2041:2009 Ed 3ISO 10816购买本文件时提供的所有当前修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS ISO 20154:2017 of this document is to provide general guidelines on the design of ship vibration isolation based on the basic methodology of vibration isolation for shipboard machinery, for example, auxiliary engine, compressor, fan, pump, etc. A well-designed vibration isolation system can significantly reduce the vibration transmission from shipboard machinery to ship structures lowering the noise level onboard the ship or the underwater noise radiated from the ship.Cross References:ISO 20283-3:2006ISO 20283-2:2008ISO 20283-5:2016ISO 2041:2009 Ed 3ISO 10816All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会