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现行 ISO 25550:2022
Ageing societies — General requirements and guidelines for an age-inclusive workforce 老龄化社会.包括年龄的劳动力的一般要求和指南
发布日期: 2022-02-10
本文件提供了实现年龄包容性劳动力的要求和指南,这有可能为组织、工人、社区和其他利益相关者增加价值。本文件使组织和其他利益相关者能够开发、实施、维护和支持一支年龄包容的员工队伍。它为在组织内部或外部工作的年长员工提供了提高生产力的机会。 本文件适用于所有类型或规模的组织,以及所有工作安排和组织与员工之间的所有形式的关系。 虽然组织需要包容所有员工,无论年龄大小,但这些要求和指导方针特别关注老年员工。 注:这并不意味着年轻工人被排除在外。组织可以根据自己的角色和特定环境定制这些要求和指导方针。
This document provides requirements and guidelines to achieve an age-inclusive workforce, which has the potential of adding value for organizations, workers, communities and other stakeholders. This document enables organizations and other stakeholders to develop, implement, maintain and support an age-inclusive workforce. It provides opportunities for older workers, working internal or external to the organization, to be productive. This document is applicable to all organizations regardless of type or size, and to all work arrangements and all forms of relationships between organizations and workers. While organizations need to be inclusive of all workers regardless of age, these requirements and guidelines focus specifically on older workers. NOTE     It does not imply that younger workers are excluded. Organizations can tailor these requirements and guidelines according to their own role and specific context.
归口单位: ISO/TC 314