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现行 MO-74-03-2
Laboratory Testing of Centrifugal and Vertical Turbine Pumps 离心式和立式涡轮泵的实验室试验
今天制造的泵有各种类型、尺寸和形状。泵的主要分类是往复式、旋转式和离心式。图1显示了动力学家族树下列出的不同类型离心泵的分解图。供暖和空调领域最常见的泵类型是端吸式和分体式泵。一般来说,泵处理各种各样的液体,并在许多不同的应用中使用。因此,他们经常受到各种各样的错误处理和虐待,并经常被错误地归咎于在该领域发现的许多不同的应用问题。 因此,为了更好地控制和了解他的产品,当今的泵制造商投资了足够的实验室设施进行彻底的测试。引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,第80卷,第2部分,蒙特利尔,QC
Pumps that are manufactured today are made in an infinite variety of types, sizes, and shapes.The major classifications of pumps are reciprocating, rotary, and centrifugal. Fig. 1 showsone breakdown of different types of centrifugal pumps listed under the Kinetic family tree.The types of pumps that are most commonly specified in the Heating and Air Conditioning fieldare the end suction and split case units. In general, pumps handle an extreme variety ofliquids and in many different applications. As such, they are often subjected to all kindsof mishandling and abuse and are often mistakenly blamed for many different application problemsfound in the field. Therefore, in order to have better control and knowledge of hisproduct, the pump manufacturer of today invests in adequate lab facilities for thorough testing.
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