Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Test method for rolling contact fatigue of silicon nitride ceramics at room temperature by balls-on-flat method
ISO 14628:2012规定了在室温下进行的逐步加载下氮化硅陶瓷的滚动接触疲劳试验方法。该试验可用于以下方面:滚动接触疲劳性能的相对比较、滚动元件材料鉴定的合格/不合格试验,或为恒定载荷下的RCF试验选择适当的载荷水平。
ISO 14628:2012 specifies a test method for rolling contact fatigue of silicon nitride ceramics under stepwise loading that is carried out at room temperature. This test may be used as follows: relative comparison of the rolling contact fatigue performance, a pass/fail test for material qualification of rolling elements or choosing an appropriate load level for RCF testing under constant load.