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现行 KC-03-10-5
Infiltration and Natural Ventilation Model for Whole Building Energy Simulation of Residential Buildings 住宅建筑全建筑能量模拟的渗透与自然通风模型
建筑能量平衡方程中的渗透项是最难理解和建模的项之一。对于住宅建筑来说,能源是最重要的一个方面。有许多气流模型;然而,这些并没有与北美普遍使用的整个建筑能耗模拟程序结合使用。本文描述了一个简单的多区域节点气流模型,该模型与SUNREL整体建筑能量模拟程序相结合。渗透所需的输入来自鼓风机门测试结果和自然通风开口的几何形状。渗透和自然通风的流量指数和系数可以输入或保留为默认值。自然通风开口的控制可以通过时间表和室内/室外温差来控制。 质量流量方程是根据每个区域底部的压力编写的。每个表面上的压力是叠加效应和风效应加在区域基础压力上的组合。所得到的质量平衡方程组采用牛顿-拉斐逊迭代法求解,松弛系数可变。根据收敛速度,在每次迭代中调整松弛系数。当每个区域的质量平衡收敛到指定公差时,迭代停止。该模型具有良好的数值性能,在一些没有热质量和大泄漏面积的建筑模拟中,没有奇点,只有少数不收敛的情况。渗透模型优于LBL渗透模型。自然通风模型与另一种自然通风模型以及测量结果进行了比较。 当前的渗透模型和整个建筑模拟程序构成了一种新的住宅能源审计工具的基础。单位:双引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,第109卷,第。堪萨斯城,2003年
The infiltration term in the building energy balance equation is one of the least understood and most difficult to model. For many residential buildings, which have an energy performance dominated by the envelope, it can be one of the most important terms. There are numerous airflow models; however, these are not combined with whole building energy simulation programs that are in common use in North America. This paper describes a simple multizone nodal airflow model integrated with the SUNREL whole building energy simulation program. The required inputs for infiltration are taken from blower door test results and the geometry of the openings for natural ventilation. The flow exponents and coefficients for infiltration and natural ventilation can be input or left to the default values. Control of the natural ventilation openings can be controlled with a time schedule and the indoor/outdoor temperature difference. The mass flow rate equations are written in terms of the pressure at the base of each zone. The pressure on each surface is a combination of stack and wind effects added to the zone base pressure. The resulting set of mass balance equations are solved using a Newton-Raphson iterative method with a variable relaxation coefficient. The relaxation coefficient is adjusted with each iteration depending on the speed of the convergence. The iterations are stopped when the mass balance in each zone converges to a specified tolerance. The model exhibits good numerical behavior, with no singularities and only a few instances of nonconvergence in some building simulations with no thermal mass and large leakage areas. The infiltration model compares favorably to the LBL infiltration model. The natural ventilation model also compares well with another natural ventilation model and with measured results. The current infiltration model and whole building simulation program form the basis of a new residential energy-auditing tool.Units: Dual
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类