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现行 ISO/TR 27877:2021
Statistical analysis for evaluating the precision of binary measurement methods and their results 评价二元测量方法及其结果精度的统计分析
发布日期: 2021-10-07
本文介绍了五种用于评估二进制测量方法精度的统计方法及其结果。这五种方法可分为两类。这两种类型都基于参与合作研究的每个实验室提供的测量值。在第一种类型中,每个实验室重复测量单个样本。实验室测量的样品名义上是相同的。第二种类型是第一种类型的扩展,其中有多个级别的样本。 对于每种统计方法,本文件简要总结了其理论,并解释了如何估计建议的精度度量。本文列举了一些实际案例,以帮助读者理解所涉及的评估程序。对于第一类和第二类方法,分别介绍了五个和三个案例。 最后,本文比较了五种统计方法。
This document introduces five statistical methods for evaluating the precision of binary measurement methods and their results. The five methods can be divided into two types. Both types are based on measured values provided by each laboratory participating in a collaborative study. In the first type, each laboratory repeatedly measures a single sample. The samples measured by the laboratories are nominally identical. The second type is an extension of the first type, where there are several levels of samples. For each statistical method, this document briefly summarizes its theory and explains how to estimate the proposed precision measures. Some real cases are illustrated to help the readers understand the evaluation procedures involved. For the first and second types of methods, five and three cases are presented, respectively. Finally, this document compares the five statistical methods.
归口单位: ISO/TC 69/SC 6