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现行 CI-01-07-3
Desuperheater Heat Recovery Hot Water Heating Systems in Subtropics: Using Water Cooling Towers to Extract Heat from Ambient Air as Heat Source 亚热带地区的减温器热回收热水供暖系统:使用水冷却塔从环境空气中提取热量作为热源
在亚热带地区,使用减温器热回收热水供暖系统很常见。然而,在寒冷季节,由于建筑物的冷负荷减少,空调系统可能没有足够的热量来回收。然后,标准水冷却塔可以反向运行,以从环境空气中提取热量,作为水加热热源的一部分,从而消除备用加热装置。本文介绍了在中国亚热带地区运行的带冷却塔的减温器热回收热水供暖系统的实际安装情况,并报告了这种热回收系统的现场测量运行性能。单位:双引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,第卷。 第107页。2.
In subtropical regions, using desuperheater heat recovery hot water heating systems is commonly seen. However, there may be insufficient heat to recover from an air-conditioning system in cold seasons due to buildings' reduced cooling loads. A standard water cooling tower may then be operated in a reverse mode to extract heat from ambient air, as part of a heat source for water heating, so that a backup heating provision may be eliminated. This paper describes a number of actual installations of desuperheater heat recovery hot water heating systems with cooling towers, operated to supply heat in subtropical regions in China, and reports on the on-site measured operating performance of such a heat recovery system.Units: Dual
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类