Aircraft — Conductors for general purpose aircraft electrical cables and aerospace applications — Dimensions and characteristics
ISO 2635:2003规定了通用飞机电缆和航空航天应用的多股导体的尺寸、电气特性和机械特性。它适用于标称横截面积范围为0.12 mm2至107 mm2(含)的绞合导体。
它不适用于耐火电缆或热电偶延长电缆的导体。ISO 1967规定了耐火电缆的导体,ISO 8056-1规定了热电偶延长电缆的导体。
ISO 2635:2003 specifies the dimensions, electrical characteristics and mechanical characteristics of multi-strand conductors for general-purpose aircraft electrical cables and aerospace applications. It applies to stranded conductors over the nominal cross-sectional area range 0,12 mm2 to 107 mm2 inclusive.
It is not applicable to conductors for fire-resistant cables or for thermocouple extension cables. Conductors for fire-resistant cables are specified in ISO 1967 and for thermocouple extension cables are specified in ISO 8056-1.