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现行 ISO 13984:1999
Liquid hydrogen — Land vehicle fuelling system interface 液氢——陆地车辆加油系统接口
发布日期: 1999-03-04
本国际标准规定了陆上液氢加油和分配系统的特性 所有类型的车辆,以减少加油过程中的火灾和爆炸风险,从而提供 对生命和财产损失的合理保护水平。 本国际标准适用于液氢(LH2)燃料和分配的设计和安装 系统。它描述了用于向车辆分配液氢的系统,包括车辆的那部分 处理来自车辆油箱的冷气态氢的系统,即位于陆地和陆地之间的系统 车辆和储罐。
This International Standard specifies the characteristics of liquid hydrogen refuelling and dispensing systems on land vehicles of all types in order to reduce the risk of fire and explosion during the refuelling procedure and thus to provide a reasonable level of protection from loss of life and property. This International Standard is applicable to the design and installation of liquid hydrogen (LH2) fuelling and dispensing systems. It describes the system intended for the dispensing of liquid hydrogen to a vehicle, including that portion of the system that handles cold gaseous hydrogen coming from the vehicle tank, that is, the system located between the land vehicle and the storage tank.
归口单位: ISO/TC 197