Liquid petroleum products. Determination of organic oxygenate compounds and total organically bound oxygen content in unleaded petrol. Method by gas chromatography (O-FID)
液体石油产品 无铅汽油中有机含氧化合物和总有机结合氧含量的测定 气相色谱法(O-FID)
BS EN 1601:2017规定了定量测定的气相色谱法,具体如下:
为此目的的监管要求。交叉引用:EN ISO 3675ISO 3170:2004 Ed 3EN ISO 3838(ISO 3838:2004)ASEN ISO 3170(ISO 3170:2004)ASISO 12185:1996EN ISO 3171(采用ISO 3171:1988)ISO 3838:2004 Ed 2ISO 3171:1988EN ISO 12185(ISO 12185:1996 AS)ISO 3675:1998ISO 4259:2006 Ed 3EN 228:2012EN ISO 4259(ISO 4259:2006)以及购买本文件时可用的所有现行修订件。
BS EN 1601:2017 specifies a gas chromatographic method for the quantitative determination, in
unleaded petrol having a final boiling point not greater than 220 °C, of individual organic oxygenate
compounds in the range 0,17 % (m/m) to 15 % (m/m) in a direct analysis (without dilution), and total
organically bound oxygen up to 3,9 % (m/m).For samples for which one of the oxygenate compounds content is higher than 15 % (m/m), a
procedure with a dilution of the sample before the analysis is given.WARNING -The use of this European Standard can involve hazardous materials, operations and
equipment. This European Standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated
with its use. It is the responsibility of users of this European Standard to take appropriate measures to
ensure the safety and health of personnel prior to application of the standard, and fulfil statutory and
regulatory requirements for this purpose.Cross References:EN ISO 3675ISO 3170:2004 Ed 3EN ISO 3838 (ISO 3838:2004) ASEN ISO 3170 (ISO 3170:2004) ASISO 12185:1996EN ISO 3171 (ISO 3171:1988 Adopted)ISO 3838:2004 Ed 2ISO 3171:1988EN ISO 12185 (ISO 12185:1996 AS)ISO 3675:1998ISO 4259:2006 Ed 3EN 228:2012EN ISO 4259 (ISO 4259:2006) ASAll current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.