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现行 BS ISO 18632:2018
Alloyed steels. Determination of manganese. Potentiometric or visual titration method 合金钢 锰的测定 电位滴定法或目视滴定法
发布日期: 2018-08-16
BS ISO 18632:2018规定了测定合金钢中锰含量的电位滴定法或目视滴定法。该方法适用于锰质量分数在2%到25%之间的情况。钒和铈干扰测定。如果样品中铈的质量分数小于0.01%,或样品中钒的质量分数小于0005%,则干扰可以忽略,否则需要进行理论校正。交叉引用:ISO 385ISO 14284ISO 3696ISO 648ISO 1042ISO 5725-3ISO 5725-2ISO 4942ISO 5725-1ISO 9647ISO 4947购买本文件时提供的所有当前修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS ISO 18632:2018 specifies a potentiometric or visual titration method for the determination of manganese content in alloyed steels.The method is applicable to manganese mass fractions between 2 % and 25 %. Vanadium and cerium interfere with the determination. If the mass fraction of cerium in the sample is less than 0,01 %, or the mass fraction of vanadium in the sample is less than 0,005 %, the interference is negligible, otherwise theoretical corrections are necessary.Cross References:ISO 385ISO 14284ISO 3696ISO 648ISO 1042ISO 5725-3ISO 5725-2ISO 4942ISO 5725-1ISO 9647ISO 4947All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会