Understanding Membrane Fouling at High Organic Loading Rates in the Submerged Membrane Bioreactor Treating Municipal Wastewater
This slide presentation outlines information on membrane fouling at high organic loading rates in the submerged membrane bioreactor treating municipal wastewater. Topics covered include: two kinds of membrane bioreactors (MBR), modified activated sludge process and ultrafiltration (UF) / microfiltration (MF) membrane; external and submerged configurations; flow schemes for the SMBR and conventional
activated sludge process; process limitation; rationale; effect of F/M on steady-state fouling rate; equipment and apparatus; membrane operation and characteristics; experimental methods; biological foaming - nocardioform; illustration of surfacing wasting for
biological foam control; resistance in-series model; membrane performance at 10-d MCRT
(F/M=0.50 gCOD/gVSS·d); membrane performance at 2-d MCRT
(F/M=2.34 gCOD/gVSS·d); steady-state membrane fouling rates; membrane resistance terms; RF and RC from literature; cake resistance Rc; batch filtration results; fouled membrane FTIR results; and, conclusions.
Includes figures.