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现行 AWWA MTC61197
Understanding Membrane Fouling at High Organic Loading Rates in the Submerged Membrane Bioreactor Treating Municipal Wastewater 浸没式膜生物反应器处理城市污水时高有机负荷下膜污染的研究
发布日期: 2005-03-01
本幻灯片概述了淹没式膜生物反应器处理城市污水时,高有机负荷下的膜污染信息。课程包括:两种膜生物反应器(MBR)、改性活性污泥法和超滤(UF)/微滤(MF)膜;外部和水下配置;SMBR和传统SMBR的流程图 活性污泥法;过程限制;根本原因F/M对稳态污垢速率的影响;设备和仪器;膜操作和特性;实验方法; 生物发泡-诺卡菌灵;表面处理的示意图 生物泡沫控制;串联电阻模型;10-d MCRT下的膜性能 (F/M=0.50 gCOD/gVSS·d);二维MCRT下的膜性能 (F/M=2.34 gCOD/gVSS·d);稳态膜污染速率;膜阻力项;文献中的RF和RC;滤饼阻力Rc;分批过滤结果;污染膜FTIR结果;以及结论。 包括数字。
This slide presentation outlines information on membrane fouling at high organic loading rates in the submerged membrane bioreactor treating municipal wastewater. Topics covered include: two kinds of membrane bioreactors (MBR), modified activated sludge process and ultrafiltration (UF) / microfiltration (MF) membrane; external and submerged configurations; flow schemes for the SMBR and conventional activated sludge process; process limitation; rationale; effect of F/M on steady-state fouling rate; equipment and apparatus; membrane operation and characteristics; experimental methods; biological foaming - nocardioform; illustration of surfacing wasting for biological foam control; resistance in-series model; membrane performance at 10-d MCRT (F/M=0.50 gCOD/gVSS·d); membrane performance at 2-d MCRT (F/M=2.34 gCOD/gVSS·d); steady-state membrane fouling rates; membrane resistance terms; RF and RC from literature; cake resistance Rc; batch filtration results; fouled membrane FTIR results; and, conclusions. Includes figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会